How to Create Poster Cover Art Using AI In 5 Simple Steps

Alex McFarland
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2023

Learn how to quickly and easily design custom posters with the help of AI technology in 5 simple steps!

Do you think designing custom posters is beyond your skills? Think again! Or are you an experienced designer looking to become more efficient to create your own posters? There are many new and innovative tools coming down the pipeline, such as artificial intelligence (AI).

With advances in AI technology, anyone can create powerful visuals. AI has made it easier than ever to make visually stunning covers for posters all with just a few clicks of the mouse. In this article, we’ll show you how to harness the power of AI to craft high-quality poster covers that will draw attention and elevate your projects!

Identify the Purpose of Your Poster

Identifying the purpose of your poster is the first critical step towards successfully creating your own designs as it helps to narrow down the choices you have to make. Before designing, ask yourself questions such as what goals do you want your design to achieve, who is the audience and where will you be sharing it?

By understanding this information, you can determine the right size, design elements and content that will help you get your message across effectively. If, for example, your goal is to design custom posters for an event then knowing whether you want people to register online or buy tickets in person will shape how you design the poster and inform decisions. Carefully consider all parameters before customizing a design that resonates with your target audience.

Consider Where You Will Share the Poster

Designing a custom poster can be a lot of fun, but there are a few things you should keep in mind if you’re planning on printing it out. First, think about where you’re going to pin it up. If it’s going up on a wall with other posters, you’ll want to design it in a larger size so it stands out.

When it comes to design, you have more freedom when creating a poster for the web than for print. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any guidelines you should follow. For example, if you want your poster to look good on social media, size it specifically for the platform you’re promoting it on. You might even want to create different versions of your poster for different platforms. And remember, a square or portrait orientation looks best for mobile viewing.

Choose a Relevant or Branded Color Scheme

One of the first things that someone is probably going to notice about your poster is the color scheme. In most cases, the appropriate color scheme will be obvious. So try not to overthink it!

For example, if you’re creating a design for a winter event, then a color scheme of green, red, and white will evoke the feeling of the holidays. If your company has strict brand guidelines you need to follow, then you can incorporate your brand colors into your design. However, if you’re still struggling to come up with a relevant color scheme, take a look at the meanings and emotions of each color.

Colors evoke emotion and have their own set of connotations. For example, blue is usually associated with wisdom, trust, and loyalty — making it an excellent choice for professional business flyers or events. On the other hand, green brings to mind energy, the environment, and tranquility — better suited for a non-profit or fundraising poster design. So don’t just choose your colors randomly; consider how it affects viewers to design a more effective custom poster.

Decide Which Fonts To Use

Designing custom posters can be an effective way to get the message you need out there and into the hands of your target audience. When design a poster, consider what will grab people’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

Work through the information in a cascading order, starting with the name of your event, followed by date and time, a short description or catchy tagline, then finally a call-to-action such as website URL, social media page or contact number. Of course if location is relevant this should also be included.

By keeping this hierarchy of information in mind, it will help you craft clear visuals that are sure to captivate your target audience.

Design Your Poster Art With starryai

Illustration of cyborgs generated via starryai to be used as poster art

After you have identified the purpose of your poster, considered where it will be shared, chose a color scheme, and decided on which fonts to use, it’s time to create the art that will serve as the base of your poster. You no longer need to have extensive artistic skills to create poster covers by hand. Instead, you can turn to an AI-art generator like starryai!

To begin, all you have to do is type out a prompt based on your desired poster cover art, and starryai will get right to work, generating great concepts that you can use. With Workspace, you can organize all of your creations by project and store them in one place. This allows you to design dozens of posters per theme quickly and easily — giving you all the tools you need to make design posters a breeze.

Designing posters has never been easier with starryai. Our hope is that you find the AI art generating workflow seamless and stress-free so you can focus on designing custom posters.

You can also join us on Discord where we regularly come together to showcase our artwork, share our tips, tricks, prompts and settings. All of this will help you draw inspiration for your next poster cover art!

Originally published on starryai.

