How can companies embrace during the COVID-19 crisis?

Mugdha Toro
Get Things Done
Published in
6 min readNov 30, 2020

Once the COVID-19 crisis ends (and it will), the world will observe something interesting coming their way, most of the marketers compare today’s plight with the recession that took place a decade back. Back then, many businesses were turned around from the crisis and went on to do better and consolidated positions than their competitors and also started to outperform.

Do you know the reason that sets these strong performers apart? The researcher suggests a commitment to innovation and technology as an essential factor in today’s time. Besides, recognizing the situation and treating your turnaround like a crisis. It’s critical that prior learning and new methods will certainly prove similar in the current outbreak of COVID-19. Although cost-cutting is often the mean- the businesses must invest time in long-term goals along with the short team goals. As the situation continues and observed, the remote work is becoming more evident today as a core of the company. Matt Mullenweg, the founder of Automattic, asserts five levels of Remote Work.

Levels of Remote Teams
Level 1: The non-deliberate action:

Imagining the current COVID-19 situation, and still, many of the organizations contemplating remote working before the danger hits the roof.

Level 2: Recreating the Office Online

Now, due to the outbreak, companies started recreating the office workplace online, and people began accepting this because of improved levels of flexibility and also an increase in productivity. According to the report from 2019 Owl Labs, people who work from office stay longer because of the necessities of the management, while remote workers often choose longer hours as they tend to like what they do.

Level 3: Adapting to the medium for collaboration

Organizations began to adapt to the current scenario and take advantage of all the mediums available for collaboration. The many such platforms, like cloud-based systems, video conferencing, collaboration tools, project management tools, play a vital role in taking the work effort forward. At the same time, it’s more practical that the team should use fewer tools when you work remotely because using more than three tools can kill the team’s productivity.

Level 4: Asynchronous communication

Communication depends on the urgency of your work/task. As far as the mission is not high on priority, you can always specify the sufficient details in the message, provide due-date and path of recourse for the same. The other way around, if your task is top on priority, you can always pick up the phone and get it communicated.

Level 5: Nirvana

When teams are in remote work, the performance displayed are better than the traditional way or the physical unit. A 2012 Stanford study [] mentions that the flexibility of remote work might be the key to increased productivity.

The majority of the organizations are adopting level 2., i.e., recreating the office online to run their businesses. Some are way too exceptional, having altered rapidly, thus creating a new level of agility, visibility, productivity, and connecting end customers better. In contrast, some of them are still in the transition phase.

One of the prime news conveyed after the hit of a pandemic is the tech sector. Companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon are fighting back with unexpected challenges to surge business consistency. Also, it believed that the twelve of high-profile technology conferences like Facebook’s Global Marketing Summit, Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress, and Google’s annual I/O developers had been deferred. The economic loss resulting from the cancellation of these events estimated at $1 billion.

So, this crisis poses numerous challenges and the question is how do we tackle and build the business opportunities during-COVID-19.

The New Work Paradigm

As most of the organizations are considering level 2- There is an enormous scope to build traction with quick wins in the business by getting organized in this awful situation. As Matt Mullenweg says, “Coronavirus has prompted IT companies to recreate the office online for employees heading towards the new era of the work-life.” Companies of all sizes adroit for work from home culture right from the beginning of the pandemic, which means the remote working is reshaping as a new normal and offers more scope of investing in your employees. COVID-19 has turned out to be a game-changer for every business around the world by switching to the new work paragon/paradigm.

You are here to witness the spread of the new workforce and new learning. A beginning of a term Quranteam, the perfect teaming during Quarantine! Many of the businesses and start-ups have created an environment that improves productivity. Today, it’s evident that the focus on cost and the value of outcomes is essential of an enterprise, followed by the policy of introducing a more stringent measure for the business continuity plans is the order of the day.

The Quranteam is about the flexibility of using cloud-based document sharing, cloud telephony, collaboration, and project management tools, which easily connects people, team, and units from anywhere. The use of the right methodologies helps business process smoothly, and sooner or later, the show must go on!

Ways to embrace business during COVID-19
• Use of technology when you wear a safety mask.

The adaption of innovations is central to fight against COVID-19. The knowledge to find your feet will help your business stand out from the crowd. Devising ingenious ways of producing and building customers with new opportunities to help navigate the current crisis.

  • Keep the team together at the time of social distancing.

In a time of social distancing, building a collaborative environment with your teams to overcome the challenges is critical. Use of SaaS-based tools, and the online platforms, can bring your team members under one roof virtually for effective work and project management while maintaining pandemic guidelines.

  • Prepare your business for what comes next and sanitize your business goals.

Though the current crisis will not last forever, COVID-19 has turned the market upside down. Hence, many businesses are not only paying attention to the short-term goals but at the same time, they are keen on long term realization as well. The coherent productive means can shape up the future of business as you hold a wealth of information which can be invaluable learning in these critical times and the succession of passing on the knowledge is an enormous asset to the organization.

  • Keep the future of business in mind while staying at home.

You don’t just consider technology that helps your business afloat. It’s also important what you choose that fit and improves your business without an inch of burden. The engagement should drive not only during the pandemic but also need to weather any such future uncertainties. Saying so, the emphasis of technology focus also needs to enhance your consistent knowledge strategy applied to your business.

The sum-up

A comprehensive approach to business seeks to mitigate all significant business interruptions. The prevailing risks expand as organizations are caught in many uncertainties of varied nature. We have already witnessed the global health crisis of a pandemic. Back in the past, there were market-driven recessions, and so the future could also pose many serious hurdles that may be limited to ones’ knowledge. The above article analyses the current situation of how to embrace the business opportunity and how we could foresee in creating a positive change.

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Mugdha Toro
Get Things Done

Mugdha is a Strategic Growth Catalyst at Get Things Done. She focuses on understanding customer problems and increasing new market opportunities.