How to work remotely with your rockstar team?

Mugdha Toro
Get Things Done
Published in
8 min readJan 13, 2021

While clearing my cupboard, I found a book called “Bedtime Stories for Project Managers: And others with trouble sleeping” by Marisa Silva that I had bought some years ago. Then checking about the particular notes, I discovered a few interesting parallels about the remote working in the current situation of COVID-19.

As a project manager, you manage a team consisting of three to ten people depending upon the size of the project. It’s primary intend to keep the check on timeline, priorities, and team’s efficiency, which are decisive to step-up these days. The factor is to observe that people would remain focused on the work rather than navigating the technological challenges that are faced when you work remotely. I recognize some of the unique problems that could occur, and here are some guiding principles for managing and growing your superstar team wherever they may be in the COVID-19 situation.

Typically, project management helps you stay organized with the aid of various digital methods like time tracking tools, communication tools, to-do lists, collaboration tools, file management, etc. Now, let’s trace the touchpoints that prompt how you can put together an efficient remote team.

1. Communicate within the team member
Make communication a top priority as it is the key to your business. While managing projects, you have to be on toes for constant contact with all other stakeholders for getting regular updates with your project and your Team. As things are unpredictable at times, so, communication will keep you always ON, and you will tackle anything that comes to you.

The prerequisite is about the levels of communication, which remains a top priority as it is the key to any business. However sufficient, you may feel, but there are chances of missing crucial information. Devising a structured course and conform that all remote units are connected regularly. The ability is to manage constant communication channels that should offset any observed challenges.

2. Don’t just follow up, but follow up again.
When working remotely, never assume that things are working smoothly simply because you haven’t heard from your teammates. Continuously check in with them and set up a checklist or a reminder to check in on the specific task. The most challenging task while remote working is to monitor their stress level, so time keeps a track on their workloads and make sure you don’t bombard them with tons of work.

When working remotely, never assume that things are smooth simply because you haven’t heard from your teammates. The prudence is about a constant follow-up and scheduling a timesheet or a reminder to inspect on the specific task. The most challenging exercise while remote working is about monitoring their stress level, so time keeps a track on their workloads and make sure you don’t shower them with tons of work.

When working remotely, it’s essential to keep away from any sort of assumptions, primarily if you haven’t heard from your teammates. The follow-up and reminders play a crucial role in any given task. The most challenging exercise while remote working is about monitoring their stress level, so keeping track of time and the workloads based on the real throughput is more prescribed rather than bombarded with tons of work.

3. Work on time trackers
Most of my friends think that time trackers are the tools that keep an eye on an individual. Yes, it does keep an eye, but as a project manager, it is essential for you to know where the time is being spent. Is it on important tasks or on monotonous tasks? The project manager also needs to set up the rules of engagement and the expectations out of the team. With the advent of time tracker, it’s convenient to find out swiftly about the progress. Being transparent with your team is all about pushing towards outcomes, which is more about results-driven.

It’s a common belief among some of them think that the time trackers are the tool to keep a check on people working in the team. Yes, it does, being a manager, the essential thing to know of time consumed on the crucial task and also some of the monotonous tasks too! The project manager also needs to set up the rules of engagement and the expectations out of the team. With the advent of these trackers, it becomes convenient to find out promptly about the progress of the team members. Being transparent with your team is all about driving the right outcomes, and so the best results are determined duly.

4. Be crystal clear with deadlines.
As a project manager, you have a clear vision of the final goal and know all the necessary steps that are needed to reach the finish line. The awareness should be clear with all your team members. Make sure that you split and outline the project to make it more scalable in goals, milestones, tasks, and subtasks. It’s just like the sum of all moving towards a timeline. Keep these details accessible to every team member. Besides, can take the help of a tool that keeps everyone informed and aware of the deadline.

As a project manager, you have a clear vision of the final goal and know all the necessary steps that are needed to reach the finish line. The team needs to acquire the sensibilities and making sure of their tasks are divided based on the strengths of an individual and outline the project to make it more goal-oriented and scalable. It’s the combination of each one of them that makes the sum more significant than the parts. Thus said, the details are made accessible to everyone and keep informed of the timeline.

5. Don’t micro-manage rather macro-manage
When you have a large team, you can’t manage everything. Micro-managing will kill your own productivity and time. So provide them with a sense of ownership from your team members to manage individual goals, and you can concentrate on a broader view.

When you have a large team, you cannot manage everything. Micro-managing will kill your productivity and time. The team also needs to preserve the sense of ownership to accomplish individual goals and so that your concentration could extend more outward and a broader view.

6. Streamline your process
When the project is ON, the team members should be aware of delivering the results in mind. They also need to know what is expected and from whom and when. Apart, you should try and remove the speculation and streamline your project process with the expectations that are made clear, and the hierarchy is respected. The communication also plays a crucial role without having much to blame anyone. The use of the Kanban board is one perfect example of breaking down tasks into convenient little matter from the time estimate to the time spent through start to finish, all in one place.

7. Provide multiple ways to communicate
As mentioned earlier, the line of communication is fundamental to any business. You need to remember that not everyone in your team would respond as you expect. Some may prefer email while others tend to be in the loop in instant messages, or some will directly speak to you. So, people come with different traits. But, again, don’t provide many options or else the team could muddle-up. Limit your communication channel to two or three. The ideal way is to prompt for reminders and updates, the voice calls/notes for urgency, and the use of videos for the virtual team meetups and presentations.

8. Set self-work expectations
Accepting the team goal, you have to be clear about your expectations. The well-defined short-term goals, as well as the long-term goals, are the proof-of-method for conceptualizing the work culture. Your objective is to figure out every facet shifting from command and control to track focus on outcomes.

9. Be accessible to your Team
The team needs your support while going forward with the project. Being accessible to your team will give more support and leading by example, would positively influence the world of good, and help people contribute to the project needs. The remote units require more encouragement and backing than before. Bringing a few adjustments along the way will undoubtedly taste the effectiveness of the conceived process would work brilliantly.

The team requires support while going forward with the project. You should be accessible to your team, which signifies your backing and also enable you to be led by an example. The influence would undoubtedly create a world of good, and help people contribute to the project needs. The remote units feel more encouraged than before. Bringing a few adjustments along the way will undoubtedly trace the effectiveness of the conceived process that would work brilliantly.

10. Provide regular updates to all stakeholders
From the initiation of the project, it is essential to keep everyone informed of the project progress. It may be the internal team or the client. If there is a delay in a particular task, then keep your client informed of the delay. Take an initiative to give your client a real-time track and update as you progress with the project.

11. Keep your ears open for challenges.
The whole effort of remote teams needs to be channelized to be more productive and perform happily. Leading ways to recognize work-life freedom should be a direct motive. As a project manager, don’t ignore remote challenges that your team members face. Instead, take the initiative to look into their concerns. Building a remote workflow that works for you might make a specific trial and error to conclude. Working on cloud or SaaS is one such solution. Manage your team without a struggle by implementing a digital tool that would assist you in all the tips mentioned above and allows you to process smoothly. Get Things Done offers real-time collaboration, project management; enable time tracking, and many more features.

12. Search for the right Project Management tool
No matter how big or small your team is, staying organized will undoubtedly pay rich dividends. The project management tool will give an extra impetus of bringing your team together. Most importantly, your team does not require logging into various tools/websites to check for the deadlines or status of a particular task. Once you start using the Get Things Done, you’ll get to know how simple the project management can be handled efficiently in one place.

Final Thoughts
The world is changing rapidly. As a project manager, it’s essential to keep yourself updated with the technology and the project management methods. Get Things Done is a SaaS-based project tool that helps you get maximum results with minimum effort. In other words, it’s the time-centred, seamless way of living, and the flexibility to spend your time where, when, and how you want.



Mugdha Toro
Get Things Done

Mugdha is a Strategic Growth Catalyst at Get Things Done. She focuses on understanding customer problems and increasing new market opportunities.