How to work smarter with time management?

Mugdha Toro
Get Things Done
Published in
6 min readJan 25, 2021

Most commonly, people worldwide are not aware of avoiding some unimportant tasks and instead complete the essentials first. It is decisive to make a habit of no compromise with your work, which might befit and enhance the time rightly. Therefore, it will help you in managing the best use of your time.

Secondly, people complain about exhaustion due to too much work. The fact is thoughtfully not articulated and what it should excel that much of work is as good as learning on the job, making you a better professional. For example, if a teacher gives the kid some homework, the student finishes it on time. The first little words are — HASSH, i.e. student finds relaxed, and in reality, there is a satisfaction of work done and any job is always improvable, not the other way around. On the other hand, if you do an unimportant task, then you may feel exhausted. So, it would be best not to attempt if there is the ambiguity of wasting time.

In dealing with remote teams on many occasions having to monitor the teams performing on their tasks- It’s necessary to ensure that your team is working unaffectedly and not doing the home chores during working hours. It is also evident that your team might get distracted in remote places due to a lack of supervision. It becomes challenging to stay focused on tasks and stay productive at the same time. To deal with such a situation, leaders can utilize remote employee time tracking tools and techniques.

The best is to search the ways to track performance keeping the morale of the employees high. Tracing time upsurge transparency and makes you feel worthy of work accomplishment and in parallel, builds productive chart better. Also, conveys the necessity of time assets, which encourages the remote team remarkably well together.

Here is the resolution for the remotely working team and need a common understanding of the necessary foundation. The time is non-renewable, and the state of mind should not leave room for discontent and unhappiness. Let’s look at the efficient ways of handling and overseeing the outcomes.

1. Get regular updates
Ensure that each of the resources working in your remote team needs to report their current task and upcoming tasks for the week with the updates of the project progress at regular intervals. The consistent stimuli can save your own time and evaluates the stages of their duties. What you do with your time daily establishes of the value you add to your life.

2. Set start and end dates
By setting the start and end dates for a task- the remote teams need to complimentary use of learning which needs to procreate the competence giving their best to accomplish each task within the defined structure. The timelines should be realistic and don’t push your team members to work overtime. Set reminders wherever necessary and make sure everyone in the team is aware of end dates. In the areas that matter most, a spout of energy and revitalizing the moral is necessary to keep them in good humour and awe-inspired.

3. Use timers or timesheets.
Timesheets generate the attention of the tasks. The individual work’s impact could result in unsurpassed impressions if the priorities are spotted and designate tasks in a timesheet. The timesheet assists in documenting the hours consumed on the job and the team member’s progress. The tool that has a timer feature allows you to add time manually for a particular task.

The timers and timesheets both analyze the work hours and assess productivity. Given the nature of the business demands, the course maintains an official record of the billable hours and becomes fundamental to use timers. To sum up, you can either go with the project management tool with a built-in timer functionality or opt for a dedicated time tracking app.

4. Create A Daily Schedule and follow the same
If you don’t follow a regular schedule or have not devised such plan, you’re likely to spend all your time studded by the unprepared, silly, barren and complete fruitless mess in the course of the work which ceases your workday to the grinding halt. So it’s substantial that having to-do list at the start of your day plays a crucial role to manage your time smartly.

The use of project management tool like Get Things Done can help you with your events, milestones, and tasks to organize it in one place and visualizes your work to an uncompromising strength and boosts team collaboration. The practical approach of using the automation of work saves substantial time and effort in avoiding human errors and focus on what’s matters.

5. Prioritize Tasks
Once determined for the workday, the tasks are followed to set up the priorities in order of importance. According to Stephen Covey — the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, who popularized the Eisenhower decision matrix, which explains, that tasks should be based on urgency and importance and sort out the least matter which could be either delegate or not touched at all.
Quadrant I — First things first: Focus on essential tasks to be managed immediately, the same hour and the same day.
Quadrant II — Schedule: Important, but not urgent. Need to be scheduled based on the scheme of the work.
Quadrant III — Delegate: What’s urgent and less important. Possibly delegate to others.
Quadrant IV — Do not touch: What’s neither important nor urgent. You are not recommended to deal with it.

6. Multitasking is a waste of time
What’s multitasking: the meaning is simple.
(a) The time when you perform two or more tasks in the chorus.
(b) Changing and switching between things or revolving back and forth.
(c) Performing numerous functions in a quick successions

If there is a skill you need to eliminate in you and surely it must be multitasking. Multitasking is often viewed as a valued skill, but focusing on one task is more elementary of accomplishing results. Doing tens of things together has genuinely proven to slow down your productivity and lowering of work quality. It means that the more tasks open up more space for mistakes, which follows up of accumulating the stress to the daily lives and corroborate the negative effect of moods and motivation.

7. Set Time Estimates For your activities
You have been enjoying your work, it’s going really well, and been doing things at the right point in time, and then the disaster strike! It’s all because you had slipped-up how long you have got to estimate the time for your activities. Looking into the project assessment to figure out the whole thing and realized that many of us could get into the situation of wrong plans and estimates.

The bunch of researchers calls it as the planning fallacy. We are way too long to be optimistic about the project’s period leading to the finish line. So, I looked into project time estimation, and, as it happens, I’m not the only one who has a hard time with it. Technically, it’s a piece of information used to track how the resource is spent on the job and exactly trace of how the valuable asset is being spent on how the waste could be eliminated. Today, the traditional methods have transformed digital and its used in looking at various elements of estimates such as –
(a) Bill clients
(b) Calculate effort cost
(c) Track productivity
(d) Monitor project
(e) Build departmental budgets
(f) Forecast future needs
(g) Determine the PL statements, etc.

8. Get Organized
What’s the central organizational component of the mind? It’s the most delicate mental resource of our system that process the unprecedented deluge of information and remains elusive. The factor is to build the order and stability to drive mental activities — however, its very tricky to construct concentrated attention both at work and life. Getting organized is an essential chunk of one’s productivity. The hack should be on top of the game in organizing the day-to-day affair, the work time, the balance of life and so forth with the time, space and mindset.

The balance is to strengthen the organizing effort, and here are the component of getting organized as follows –
(a) The inculcation of habit to focus on the plans, and steps to work accordingly.
(b) Ensure to resolve any hurdles coming on the way without getting sidetracked, and get past the commitment.
(c) Timeliness, the art of being prompt and follow the deliverables.
(d) The assignments need to be labelled neatly and improve communication flow, drastically increasing productivity.

Hopefully, the components summarized have obtained a thread of inspiration, as well as to know where are the start points and conduits to plug the resources and position to the advantage to stay productive and keep organized from start to finish, and unswervingly spring the best of efforts to remain for all seasons



Mugdha Toro
Get Things Done

Mugdha is a Strategic Growth Catalyst at Get Things Done. She focuses on understanding customer problems and increasing new market opportunities.