Get up and go
Published in
1 min readJan 5, 2015


2015, For Best or For Worst

So many times I have wanted to put out my thoughts, but never got around to it. I have decided that it is time, time to make memories worth sharing.

Time to put down a record of what happens to me and to my close ones.

Time to remind me that time flies and that every moment is precious.

Time to leave a mark and time to live my life to the fullest. Every year has it surprises and I want to make the most out of it.

So here is to 2015 :

Definitely hitting the gym more regularly. I have been good in 2014, but I haven’t been regular enough. I will be more dedicated to going twice a week to make a change. Three would be ideal, but I want to reach an achievable goal.

There is a thing with me and teeth. A lot of money was spent in my smile when I was younger and it has always been important to take good care of teeth. This resolution includes my puppy. After spending quite the amount on cleaning his teeth over the Holidays, I definitely want to brush his teeth at least 4 times a week to keep his teeth from scaling, and keep healthy teeth.

Last but not least, I want to keep track of the new things I do over the year. I want to try cooking new things, especially, but just keep track of my “success” on here.

On this, may this year be a great one!



Get up and go

Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible' - Audrey Hepburn