Sales Tools for Productivity

Top 10 Sales Tools For Your Productivity Hack

Savitha Shivakumar
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Here is the list of the best and most efficient sales tools you can use to drastically increase productivity for your work. All these tools are easy and user-friendly.

It’s difficult to succeed in sales in the twenty-first century. To be relevant at every touchpoint, you not only need empathy, grit, and determination, but you also need to have a deep understanding of your current and potential clients. Salespeople that use technology do better than their peers who don’t. We’ll present you with the ten sales software categories that, in our opinion, you should be most familiar with in this article.


You need sales promotion tools whether your business is a three-person operation or a major corporation to assist your sales. Tools for sales representatives can keep consumer data readily available so that your business can base choices on facts rather than assumptions or speculation. A successful sales department is well-informed. Yet, it can be challenging to choose which sales tools are best for your business because so many are available.

What are sales tools?

Digital tools used by salespeople to facilitate their work are referred to as sales tools. Customer relationship management (CRM), sales intelligence and prospecting, sales acceleration, and data connectors and integrations are just a few of the technologies that fall under the general phrase “sales tool.”

Why do we need sales tools in professional life?

Every member of a sales team, from the BDR to the manager, is quite busy. There are numerous aspects of the selling process that frequently demand a lot of time and manual labour. These procedures can be made more effective and efficient by sales tools. Additionally helpful are the following tools for sales:

  • Productivity of teams
  • Optimization and automation of the sales process
  • Generation and tracking of leads
  • Meeting preparations and customer insights
  • Streamlining communication channels

10 best sales promotion tools

1. HubSpot CRM

Best tool for: Delivering exceptional client experiences and unifying your entire organisation on one platform that can grow with you.

Unique features: HubSpot is a business platform that aspires to grow with your company while being simple to use, not just a sales CRM.

HubSpot’s CRM may be used by sales teams as a single point of truth where they can arrange, email, and manage contacts. You may use technologies like sequencing, Tk, and TK to continue moving your CRM contacts down the funnel for those that choose to join Sales or Marketing Hub.

Your team can coordinate and produce delightful customer experiences for the entire buyer’s journey with the help of its additional combination of built-in and powerful tools, such as Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, CMS Hub, and Operations Hub, as well as reporting and hundreds of available integrations.

2. Nethunt CRM

Best tool for: Automating sales procedures, integrating Gmail, and fostering teamwork.

Unique features: Within your Gmail account, NetHunt CRM is a potent CRM. You can manage your business from the comfort of your mailbox with the help of a seamless connection. You may automate sales processes, create reports, organise customer data, and more.

You may automate lead generation, lead enrichment, lead distribution among sales agents, notifications, and lead nurturing by using the sales automation function of NetHunt CRM called Workflows.

With built-in mentions, shared datasets, and shared communication, Nethunt CRM excels at team collaboration, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.

3. HubSpot Sales Hub

Best tool for: Using Sales Hub, you can close deals, improve relationships with prospects, and manage your sales pipeline.

Unique features: A comprehensive and customised sales CRM, sales engagement tools, CPQ capabilities, reporting, and analytics are all features of the potent sales software known as Sales Hub.

Together with live chat, account-based marketing (ABM), quotation generation, sales management playbooks (such as battle cards and call scripts), email templates, tracking, and automation, Sales Hub also provides live customer support.

Call tracking assists with prioritising, placing, and recording calls while conversation intelligence extracts pertinent information for you from calls with prospects.

By integrating Sales Hub with any of the 800+ tools and apps available, you can adjust it to the needs of your team.


Best tool for: Automating gifting and direct mail.

Unique features: To improve customer interaction,, an automated direct mail and gifting platform, interacts with your marketing automation and sales enablement platforms.

To help sales representatives attract more qualified prospects and close more deals, employs mail and presents to help them provide value to their solutions for prospects.

By including triggers for customised gifts and letters that are placed in sequences you design, the tool also seeks to enhance the sales process.

5. Seismic

Best tool for: Creating interesting material that will be shared with prospects throughout the whole sales process and timing the sharing of that information with care.

Unique features: Seismic gives sales representatives in-the-moment insights and suggestions on how to communicate and engage with prospects, enabling sales teams to provide memorable client experiences.

The program aids sales representatives in producing immersive and interesting content for the whole sales funnel; Seismic then offers suggestions for the best times for sales representatives to share that material in light of its main findings.

The reports and analytics provided by Seismic assist your team in spreading the knowledge of what your top salespeople are doing successfully throughout the sales organisation.

6. Gong Sales Enablement Software

Best tool for: The evaluation of your sales enablement team’s performance, the promotion of best practices, and the training of new personnel.

Unique features: For data-driven sales teams trying to find actionable insights that result in chances for growth, Gong is ideal. The technology is excellent for helping representatives increase their effectiveness and ramp up new sales personnel.

Your sales enablement team can manage and track the success of your sales training with Gong, as well as identify and spread best practices throughout the company.

7. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Best tool for: Locating appropriate leads on LinkedIn and customising outreach there.

Unique features: With the aid of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, sales representatives may find qualified leads on the site and then target those leads with interesting and tailored outreach.

Sophisticated lead and company search tools make sure that sales representatives are directed to the most pertinent clients. LinkedIn also offers details on the ideal contacts to contact at your specific target accounts.

To track and coordinate all of your prospect and account data, integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator with your CRM.

8. Dialpad

Best tool for: Dialing for sales, conferencing, and calls with artificial intelligence.

Unique features: A cloud-based communication platform featuring AI-powered calling, sales dialing, conferencing, and contact center features is called DialPad.

To ensure that your entire team uses a single, shared platform for all contacts with prospects, the sales communication tools now include SMS and video conferencing.

To automate contact and data entry, there are native CRM connections available. Additionally, you can monitor call sentiment and volume, compile a record of successful sales calls for your team to review, and use for teaching.

9. Zoho Sales Management and Tracking Software

Best tool for: Simplifying the sales procedure to aid sales representatives in making more sales.

Unique features: A thorough sales management solution designed to assist reps in making effective sales is Zoho Sales Management and Tracking Software.

To give sales representatives the information and context they need to close more deals, Zoho compiles all of your business data into a single platform.

The program has a variety of modules to speed up the sales process, such as modules for managing accounts, inventories, and your CRM as well as lead tracking and account management.

10. FastSpring

Best tool for: To make pricing talks simpler, create interactive sales quotations.

Unique features: Building personalised, interactive quotations with FastSpring Interactive Quotes (IQ) is simple and allows prospects to pick and choose what they want before accepting, signing, and paying right from the quote. This removes the need for back-and-forth discussions and speeds up the closing process for your deals.

IQ links your pricing, quoting, e-signatures, and payments all in one location, decreasing sales flow friction and increasing win rates compared to conventional proposals, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint decks.

For more effective follow-ups and insightful deals, IQ’s real-time analytics also reveal exactly how prospects are interacting with pricing and what packages they’re considering.


There are several sales tools on the market right now; choose the area(s) of the sales process where you need the most assistance, then take into account the features, integrations, and cost of each tool. Then, begin utilising your new sales tool!

Frequently asked questions

What are the tools for sales promotion?

Sales tools are, to put it simply, tools that help and empower sales professionals to expedite the sales process and increase sales. Processes are automated, vital consumer data is gathered, and data integration is made possible through this software and applications.

How does a sales tool boost productivity?

Because today’s consumers are accustomed to having their demands met fast, businesses need sales productivity software. These sales tools help sales teams move quickly by establishing a structured, repeatable procedure. one that is capable of being used when necessary.

How to choose the right sales tool for the work?

1. Determine the sales pain points of your team

2. Figure out the tools that will address your pain points

3. Set your goals

4. Create a rollout plan

5. Set up an ad-hoc team

6. Train your team

7. Evaluate the integration of the sales tools software

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