5 Reasons Live Visualizations Are Key to Overall Event Success

Insights with Ampsy
2 min readApr 17, 2018

Experiences IRL (in real life) no longer occur in a vacuum. IRL is just one channel an event can be experienced through. It will then be translated onto a variety of other channels for consumption by other people around the world.

This new multi-channel experience means event planners need to take into consideration how IRL experiences translate into other channels. One way to take control of this is by creating an event visualization or dashboard that streams on the ground and online, unifying the multi-channel reality.

These are 5 reasons live event visualizations increase your overall event success:

01. People want to join the party

The concept of FOMO (fear of missing out) is a major reason why social media is so addicting. People want to be where the cool stuff is happening. By giving people online a glimpse into what’s happening IRL, you get them intrigued about the event, creating another engaged audience through online channels.

Concerts and sporting games are a great example of this. Even if people aren’t on the ground, they can still watching content being streamed and engage the attendees and bands who are IRL.

02. Tell the full story of your event

Visualizations reduce the number of times you have to say, “I guess you had to be there,” when people ask how an event went. When you take control of the story and the narrative, you can be sure that people on the outside and people IRL see the full scope of your event experience.

Red Bull’s Flugtag is a great example of an event visualization that showed real-time audience engagement, team voting and activity on the ground. This meant that whether fans were IRL or online, they were engaged and knew what was going on.

03. Amplify the experience

Someone may not be super interested in looking at someone’s selfie from an event, they could be very interested in seeing what top influencers were saying, how many people were there and other event-related facts. By creating something shareable and relevant to a wide audience, you increase the likelihood of amplification to a broader audience.

Conferences are a great example of an event that would benefit from real-time visualizations. Most conferences are chalked full of interesting facts and information, but lots of people aren’t able to travel or afford ticket costs. Providing real-time insight will engage the online audience.

Read the full article on Ampsy’s blog.



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