Bamboo: Meet the Team - Will Griffiths

Head of Production - 5 top 10 games since 2010.

Harry Lowther


We are humbled and honoured to announce we have a new team member joining Bamboo! - Head of Production, Will Griffiths.

Will joins Bamboo after being one of the early stage hires at Virtual Gaming Worlds and playing a critical role in early product through to hyperscale. Adept at building and scaling consumer applications; Will plays a critical role in connecting with the core purpose of the product, development and architecture of scalable systems.

What better way to introduce Will than by starting off with a quote of his choosing:

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. - Douglas Adams

Background & Experience

Responsible for production, formerly a Senior Producer at NaturalMotion Games in the UK and most recently the VP of Product at Virtual Gaming Worlds. Will has an extensive background in the end-to-end delivery of new and complex applications with multi-skilled, globally distributed teams, including 5 top ten games since 2010.

Below is a video of Clumsy Ninja being announced on stage during the Apple iPhone 5 keynote (2012), one of the apps that Will was Senior Producer on.

Upon joining Bamboo we asked Will:

  • “What are you seeking to achieve at Bamboo and why?”

To those who are watching, blockchain has proven that decentralising trust can be a powerful, positive change. Like many others, I believe the technology has the potential to be a significant “level-up” for society. My experience in games production is particularly relevant to Bamboo’s mission in two ways:

1. Running teams to design and deliver innovative technology products.

2. Continuous optimisation for product/market fit.

I am super excited to be bringing both of these to bear here at Bamboo and to do what I can to accelerate the roll-out of blockchain tech to humanity. - Will

We look forward to continuing this journey with Will and the insights he has acquired through his experience that will no doubt prove invaluable to Bamboo and blockchain technologies!

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