5 Financial red flags to look out in a relationship

Soni Sangwan
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2019

Love may be blind but don’t let it rob you blind! We all do silly things when we fall in love — make googly eyes at each other, refuse to be the first one to end the late-night call, give each other diabetes-inducing nick-names — the list of romantic tom-foolery is long.

No problem! Indulge yourself and you bae as much as you want, but stop short when matters turn from rose-tinted to greenbacks. You may feel that filthy money should never come between two soul-mates and we agree. Do not let money come between you. Walk, or rather, run a mile before committing to any relationship where you see these five red flags:

Does he borrow money from you too often

Everyone runs out of cash from time to time. You may suddenly find yourself in a situation where you do not have cash and have to pay the Uber guy or put in your contribution to someone’s birthday party in office. Borrowing in such cases can be ignored. But when it becomes a daily issue and the amount moves from a few hundreds to thousands and more, then watch out. For a person to be unable to manage within his or her salary is a sign of financial indiscipline and immaturity. A committed relationship with such a person may not match your long-term life goals.


Does he offer to pay the bill when you go out?

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