The Life Of Derivatives

Getchogrindup Gary
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2019

I am a person who likes to think of myself as a creative. Less as a visual artist and more as a verbal and theoretical creative, but still as an expressive artist nonetheless. As an artist, our role is produce pieces of art in whatever form that maybe and portray ideas in unconventional forms to generate an appreciation beyond what what previously held. To even watch an artist at work is even art in itself. The vast varieties of portrayals, expressive methods and convictions create seemingly endless possibilities to which creativity thrives in. Though artistic ideas are in a sense original or unique, at the end of the day they are still derivatives.

This is not said to discredit the art that was done or to claim that its plagiarized, but is said to appreciate its origins. Instead of being created, I look at art as derived. The idea to craft the piece with influences then complete the piece with a part of yourself is magical and evolutionary as a simple idea can take a different form depending on who portrays it. No one idea is more right than another nor is it more true. At the end of the day its art; Its a derivative.

Derivatives are more than just a term thats exclusive to art or math, but should be a concept that can be applied to our own lives. We live in a world of alchemy and creation. Invention as ideas inspired derivatives in a cyclical sense and immense progress has come from it. Look at the world around you. From the screen you are viewing this from to the cars outside have all been created from ideas previously held as unrelated.

Derivatives are inspiration, progression and a gateway to the next level. A level of endless possibilities and limitless potential, so whenever you need a boost find your derivative. Find your idea and build a skyscraper from it. Use it to take you to new heights and elevate your work. Getchogrindup!

-Getchogrindup Gary



Getchogrindup Gary

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