The Resolution To New Years Resolutions

Getchogrindup Gary
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2019

For decades, the New Years Resolution has swept the land and forced people, on a cyclical basis, to reevaluate their lives and instill objectives or goals to try and bring out the best in themselves and in their lives. Its a amazing concept that has grown to become an international phenomenon of self-improvement and change.

Up on a pedestal on January 1st sits a myriad of goals, dreams and ambitions for all to strive to achieve.

One problem is… rarely do they ever become reality.

Its not because we don’t want to achieve them, but often we don’t go about achieving our goals in the right way. Often goals are vague and hard to keep track of or too large for us to manage.

Ex: “I want to lose 75 pounds this year”, “I want to be a better person” or “I want to give back”.

All of these are legitimate goals but fail to get accomplished year after year simply because we don’t give ourselves a chance to succeed. How will you know when your goal is accomplished and is the goal too big of a jump? Im not saying to low ball and set the standards low, but understand who you are as a person and what your life can handle.

Heres a small break down on how to shape your resolution to give you the best chance at success:

  1. Main Goal + Smaller Checkpoint Goals: Have one major goal and several smaller goals throughout the year that are going to lead you to the eventual main goal.
  2. Create Trackable/Quantifiable Goals: Create goals with numbers or clear defined objectives. Its important to be able to look back at the end of the year and definitively ask your self if the goal has been done or not. If you don’t know or unsure, then the goal wasn’t specific enough
  3. Encourage Accountability: Social media and friend groups are great for this. Post your goal on social media and or complete the goal with a friend. This way there are people conscious on what you are trying to achieve and you can make a valiant effort in achieving it.
  4. Give It A Conscious Effort: Just trying one time isn’t good enough. If its truly your goal then the effort has to be made. Make sacrifices, integrate it into your schedule. Go the extra mile to better yourself.
  5. Don’t Give Up: Just because you don’t accomplish it or fail the first time, keep going! Don’t wait till next year because by that time, its too late.

With these tips you can resolve the New Years Resolution slump and get around to making impactful and lasting change in your life. It may seem like a small deal where people are accomplishing their small personal goals but think about the ramifications of this. If everyone was more successful at completing their goals and bettering themselves, then as some point we can move to making society better as a whole. Its all about baby steps all 2019, Getchogrindup!!

-Getchogrindup Gary



Getchogrindup Gary

Its not just a hashtag, its a movement, its a lifestyle… “We Work Hard”