The Unseen Path Of Progress

Getchogrindup Gary
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2019

Last week we spoke a lot about success and what are some important characteristics to achieving it. The key was the 5 “P’s”:

  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Planning
  • Potency
  • Progress

Its the last one, progress, that I believe there are the most misconceptions about. Often, progress is view as one straight path when in actuality, there are many, many unseen paths that makes the journey that much more impactful.

This past week we had an opportunity to catch up with Nadeem from Episode #47 for one of our many up coming Round 2 episodes!! Last time we checked in with him, he was making his way up the Youtube ladder, creating videos and making an impact. It was something that he loved to do and you could tell when talking with him, that it was something that he was passionate about.

He was a kid filled with energy and ideas and he couldn’t wait to put them into motion. He wanted to build a team, grow his Youtube page and collaborate with some of the bigger influencers. He was big dreams and the ambition to get it done.

This time when we got to chance to record, he updated us on his progress over the past 8 months. Since the last time we spoke, he has stepped away from his Youtube work and shifted focus to producing a conference for creatives and talented individuals in his community. Though he was doing all he could to make an impact through this conference, it wasn't his original goal to be a Youtube start and its a step away from that path as a whole.

When asked why, he stated that he needed to take a step back. he wanted to use his current influence that he had to make a difference.

And thats ok. Thats 100% ok. Progress isn’t going in one direction all of the time. Some times you need to take a step back and switch directions. And he was able to understand that maybe he needed something new in his life for the time being and that it was a necessary move for him to make. It was a great showing of self awareness and with that, he has an entirely new way to make an impact to his community!

Look out for Nadeem’s episode coming out soon for Round 2!

The entire GCGU movement, including the Young and D.U.M.B. podcast, has been centered around collaboration, progression and authenticity. We stress all three of those points, especially progression as its one of our first questions in every podcast.

Progress is a big part of life and success as you already know but what is often missed surrounding progress is that its far from a straight line. Its not linear, no where close to it.

Think of it in a sense of a maze. If you are actually physically inside of a maze, then you have no clue where you are going. Every twist and turn takes you a little closer or further from your goal of making it out of the other side. You are going to make wrong turns and you are going to reach dead ends but to make it out the other side you have to learn from those mistakes and keep going. Thats progress. Not a linear journey, but one of ups, downs, lefts and rights.

Progression is failing, falling down, side stepping, restarting and so much more. Progression at the end of day, essentially is perspective. Its the vision of where you are on your journey. It may not be clear at first, but trust your self and do what you feel is right for yourself. Know yourself and you will guide your self to the end of your maze! Getchogrindup!

-Getchogrindup Gary



Getchogrindup Gary

Its not just a hashtag, its a movement, its a lifestyle… “We Work Hard”