What should I absolutely not do when traveling the world?

Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2017
Split, Croatia
  1. Try to avoid depending on chain hotels and instead stay at Hostels or campgrounds. This is where you’ll make friends and find people to travel with.
  2. Avoid going to too many museums, instead spend your money on local experiences. Hire a local to show you around. Throw away that guide book.
  3. Don’t forget to just relax. You don’t have to do everything in one day, you can take many days off and stay in one place. Don’t try to see everything, because when you do, you’ll forget that the tourist experience is most of the time very different than the experience a local has on a day-to-day basis.
  4. Be humble. Take it all in. Forget about your ego. Listen to people.
  5. Don’t flash fancy electronics, phones, jewelry, etc.
  6. There are many things, but most importantly — don’t forget to smile. Engage in conversation. Take the time to really listen to people. Ask them to tell you a story and just sit there and take it all in. Because that, after all, is LIFE.



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