What’s it like to visit Cuba?

Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2017

It’s absolutely the most fantastic place that I have ever traveled. Obviously, for US citizens it has recently opened up for tourism and the country itself is a bit of an unknown. What will you find there? Fantastic cities, amazing architecture and gorgeous beaches.

Unfortunately, what you’ll also find (for better or worse) is an aging infrastructure, roads filled with potholes and a lack of ubiquitous wifi. I recently read that Americans are turning away from visiting Cuba due to the sub-standard hotels and lack of wifi, which is absurd because they’re missing out on a fantastic opportunity to connect with an authentic culture and people, outside of the influence of American businesses.

For our trip, we stayed 4 days in Havana, 3 days in Varadero, 1 night in Trinidad, 1 night in Bayamo, 1 night in Santiago de Cuba and then 2 nights in Guardalavaca. We flew into Havana and out of Holguin.

Should you go if you do not speak Spanish? Yes, but stick to Havana.

Should you rent a car? No. Rental cars are very hard to obtain. Additionally, they’re beaten up due to constant use. We popped a tire in Havana and then snapped the tire-iron trying to put the spare on, which cost us a day in driving around trying to get the tire patched.

What about currency? Do not go there unless you have enough cash money to cover your trip. They do not accept credit cards. They do not accept travelers cheques if you for whatever reason still use those. We met some travelers at a resort who forgot cash and were frantically looking for an ATM. Guess what? There are none.

What about rum? The government dictates the price of rum, so it is literally the same price everywhere on the island.

What about cuban cigars? DO NOT buy cuban cigars outside of a hotel. People will approach you on the street with a scam, such as “Castro has allow us to sell cigars half price for one day this month”. Yes, that’s a scam. Instead, go to the Hotel Nacional and buy a cigar there, relax, and sip on a cold Cristal.



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