How much do you love me ? A mathematical model

Praveen N
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2017

Most of us have faced or asked this one very important question “How much do you love me ?”.
How would you express an answer to this ? Generally the answer to this is more visual “you would widen your arms and say -> This much, This Much , So Much extending your arms to the maximum width possible..

Not just Humans, There is a very famous quote which says “I asked Jesus, ‘How much do you love me?’ And Jesus said, ‘This much.’ Then He stretched out His arms and died.”

lets break this question and try to answer it mathematically.

The question has 2 parts to it
let the quantity be “X “— its a function of (How much).
let “L” be be the categorical value [0,1] of (Love)

So mathematically we need to compute the existence of the Categorical value “L” first and then find the value of “X”.

— — Now to derive the categorical value of “L” [0,1], we need to know the person asking this question and the person answering this. Here we apply categorical method of computation to derive the value of 1 or 0.


From this we can derive “L” for a particular person based on multiple possible person-person mappings.

— — — Now lets get to the next part of the equation to derive value of “X” [How much].. here you cannot apply a categorical method of computation,but we need to apply dimensional methods for quantifying this.

Quantifying this has 2 parts:
1. Defining the Intensity of Love
According to Stairway of Love, we have the following ascending states

2. Labeling what we have done for each other based on various occasions, and mapping these to different intensities of love base don the sample size we have we can describe the value of x more dimensionally.


Combining categorical and dimensional methods can lead us to applying techniques of machine learning. Each of these layers can be a neural net layer.
of-course labeling the data and boosting the data remains a challenge, and we can use Mechanical Turk approaches to identify the questions to ask and label them accordingly to various love states.

This is a just a illustration and its not a model to apply yet. ‘The same challenge also exist while we derive Emotions too.

Interrelation of texts and emotions has been a great captivating subject for many years now, uncovering new patterns and applying them in scenarios related to business needs would be a master stroke.

