Sentiment analysis is postmortem, Focus on customer journeys.

Praveen N
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2017

Campaign Managers are the real heroes, They handle the campaign end to end and they have responsibility to up keep “brand perception and generate quality leads”. More often than not campaign managers analyse a ton of things after an event has occurred.

Today tools in the space of sentiment analysis helps you understand how your brand is perceived. This is great but doesn't end up in solving anything. The reason i tell this is because , the event and activities have occurred already. [ damage already done].

I would rather invest my time and effort in understanding the touch points i have with my customer and evoke right emotions at different stages of customer journey.

Example: Am a insurance company, my interaction can start with my customers by inducing “fear”, the reason is i want to sell them a policy related to life ,retirement etc.

But once i have the first touch point with my customer i need to build “trust” and explain him that the policy will cover you from all aspects.

lets say he buys your policy, you need to induce “Joy” so that the customer is happy about his decision.

These kind of customer journey’s are more human in nature , regardless of demographics..

Making emotions part of your customer journey is a great tool and will help you up keep your brand perspective.

let me know your thoughts ? are there any tools available for this ?

