Growing A Creative Business.

Fidia Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2022

“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, writer/statesman.

Every creative business owner’s dream is to grow continuously and quickly. This can be difficult because growth is difficult by itself, and having constant growth at a rapid pace is even more difficult. To grow, creative businesses, like any other business, require a lot of hard work and dedication. Though the stages of development differ from one creator to the next, they all go through them.

Growing a creative business.

Growth is an ongoing process because you want to move quickly from one stage to the next as a business. So, if it is ongoing, it is dynamic, and it has the potential to catch you off guard. Anticipating growth is a good thing, but how do you plan for it and even accommodate it when it occurs?

How to grow and manage the growth of your creative business.

  1. Versatility 🌊: The ability to adapt to different activities or situations is the basic definition of versatility; it can also be described as flexibility. Being versatile is important if you want to grow your creative business because it shows that you are not afraid of change or moving with the market. When Covid 19 hit us last year and most organisations had to move remotely, organisations that already had these things in place found it easier than those who were strictly offline. As a creative business owner, don’t limit yourself to a single plan; instead, devise plans that are adaptable to any given change.

“Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it’s a really good thing to remember.” Ginni Rometty, CEO of IBM

This will also be useful as your company grows; you don’t want to wait until you have a million customers/clients before making plans to accommodate them.

2. Hire right and outsource👷‍♀️: Hiring the right people is as important as anything else because having the wrong people on your team will slow you down no matter how big your dreams are. If you want to expand your creative business, you must invest as much as possible in hiring the right people.

“You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life.”– Renee West, Luxor and Excalibur Hotel

You can read my thoughts on how, if done correctly, outsourcing can be your superpower here. Outsourcing, as pointed out in the article, is critical and can save you a significant amount of time and energy. To stay afloat, you must also learn the power of outsourcing when managing your growth.

3. Revenue is King👑: It’s one thing to grow your creative business reach/audience; it’s quite another to expand your revenue alongside other things. Growing your creative business entails focusing on your revenue sources and managing them to increase them.

“If you don’t have paying customers, you have a hobby.”
Miles Anthony Smith

Growing your creative business is just as important as managing it, so pay attention to them if you want to scale successfully. Above all, remember to invest in yourself because you are the driving force behind your creative business ✨.

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