The Begummy community is growing with Flowbox

Helena Myhrman
Flowbox Insights
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

The Belgian clothing brand Begummy is selling positive-vibe clothes to children, teenagers and adults. The signature pieces for the brand, the Begummy sweater and onsie, can be seen on influencers all over Europe and its popularity just keeps increasing. But the Begummy brand is much more than just clothes – it’s a community and a lifestyle.


Begummy’s goal has been to grow a community to increase the brand awareness and improve their relationship to customers and the customers’ relationships to each other and to the products. The challenge with this, however, has been how to integrate the Begummy community with sales.

- Our main issue was how to link the user-generated content from social media with our products and sales. But as soon as we came across Flowbox, this problem was solved. We got the idea from other companies that were doing the same thing, says Joris Van Hoecke, E-commerce Manager, Begummy.


Begummy is currently building their community by collecting UGC (user-generated content) through the hashtag #begummy on both Instagram and Facebook. In addition to this, Begummy builds community in the form of a video flow. By using the hashtag #begummy on videos on Youtube, users can be featured in Begummys video community on the website.

Community is a big part of the Begummy brand and lifestyle, and by encouraging customers, followers and fans to share their Begummy moments, the community is growing. It’s all about the community. To inspire, and to get inspired.

Pictures uploaded under #begummy automatically become shopable with Flowbox when shown in the community on the website. To receive even more content, the company regularly arranges contests for the users in the community, to encourage them to upload more content.

- For example, for Mother’s Day, we arrange a contest with the hashtag #mamangummy. Contestants can win products from Begummy when entering the contest with a cool picture of moms with their kids, hashtagged #mamangummy. This creates a lot of engagement, but also useful content that we will be able to use in the future as well, says Joris Van Hoecke.

When a customer clicks on a UGC-picture and on a certain product in it, they are automatically redirected to the product page, which is a good way for new customers to discover the products in a fun and playful way, according to Joris Van Hoecke.


- After implementing Flowbox on the Begummy website, visitors seem to be staying longer on the site and the solution has helped a lot to increase the number of pages that people look at.

Begummy has recently started to include “thank you-cards” with their orders, where they also encourage customers to share their Begummy moments on social media with the hashtag #begummy, to gain even more content to the community.

- We are currently laborating with the text on the cards and a QR-code which will bring customers directly to our UGC-flows. We really believe in the value of Flowbox, says Joris Van Hoecke.



Helena Myhrman
Flowbox Insights

Head of Content at Flowbox and Editor of Flowbox Insights. Get in touch: