Gauge September updates

Zabil Cheriya Maliackal
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2017

Release 0.9.2, updates and features

A test runner

Run and debug tests in IntelliJ IDEA with the newly integrated runner!

The runner supports filtering (passed/failed), re-runs, jump to failed specs and stack trace navigation, plus running tests in parallel or grouped by tags.

Code stubs

gauge run displays easy to copy stubs for unimplemented steps. This helps writing specifications incrementally for users who prefer to use command line interface or simpler text editors.

Markdown previews in a browser

Preview Gauge specifications in a browser and use “Print” or “Save to PDF” functionality to share it with others.

Gauge execution in JSON format

A new flag -m for gauge run command to print machine readable format of test executions, for easy parsing by other tools.

Happy testing!

