10 ways to increase your productivity and achieve more at work

Olu Ogunlela
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

The secret to doing more with less

Photo by Catherine Hughes on Unsplash

Life can get so busy that we forget what day it is. Whether it’s keeping up with work or meeting with a client, to keep our sanity while delivering on time, we need to learn how to manage our time.

Time is like money, limited in supply, yet needed for everything we do. So, it’s important we learn how to manage it. If you want to produce more positive results this year, below are some of the ways you can increase your productivity without expending more energy.

1. Treat your time like money.

If you’ve ever received a paycheck, then you probably know how it feels to want to buy everything you need. But in the end, you’d rather buy the most important thing (maybe except for the few times you decided to treat yourself at the cost of your budget). Applying this same principle to time management help you spend time on only important activities in every area of your life.

2. Get a time tracking app

Time tracking apps like Lifeli can help you allocate your time to important tasks. By doing this, you can easily track how well you followed your planned schedule and improve where needed.

3. Sleep at least 7 hours a day

Research reveals that getting more sleep reduces stress and improves your mood. You can begin to do this by setting an alarm to sleep at a particular time. As you do this, you’ll notice a reduction in anxiety, mood swings, and high blood pressure.

4. Spend time with loved ones regularly

Hanging out with people we love increases the feeling of fulfilment and being appreciated. This can have a wonderful effect on our minds, motivate us to do more, and calm our nerves.

5. Prioritise planning

Planning reduces uncertainties. Therefore, to reduce the chances of missing a deadline, plan ahead. Identify the most important tasks and do those first. Then, delegate or eliminate other non-critical tasks, and try to balance your work and non-work activities.

6. Exercise regularly

Exercising daily helps people suffering from fatigue and reduced energy regain their momentum. It also combats stress, increases energy, and improves general well being. In addition to that, drink more water to avoid getting dehydrated.

7. Meditate often

Spiritual activities like meditations help us relax, think well, and maintain the necessary balance needed for mentally challenging tasks. So, find out what works best for you and do it consistently. For me, I enjoy meditating beside the sea at particular times weekly.

8. Reward yourself

Most people get easily caught up in overworking. This can be dangerous emotionally and mentally as prevents them from socialising with other people. One way to overcome this is by rewarding yourself. You could go going to see a movie after a long stretch of work, hang out with friends, or eat out on a weekend.

9. Keep a journal

Writing helps you let your emotions loose in a safe environment. Pent up emotions cause anxiety and paranoia, so do your best to write down your daily experiences, how you feel and what you think can help you overcome or keep that feeling. The more you do this, the lighter you become.

10. Learn to manage your finance

You’d be surprised how many hours people waste worrying about their income. Worrying makes us unhappy, and unhappiness reduces motivation. To get out of this rut, take a personal finance course online or talk to a financial advisor.

I hope these steps will help you to become more productive. So, stay motivated this week, start practising, and watch your productivity improve.

I help people improve their well-being by writing on wellness, productivity, and digital health. Click the follow button to read more helpful articles from me.



Olu Ogunlela

I help FAANG employees optimize their lifestyle to thrive in work and life using data from wearable tech. Built Lifeli App. https://linktr.ee/olu_ogunlela