17 Tips for a Healthier 2017!

Robb Olivieri
4 min readDec 31, 2016

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. With the new year fast approaching I wanted to post a quick list of my 17 tips for a a healthier you in 2017. This is not exhaustive or finely detailed but I hope you find it valuable and are able to pick a few of these to incorporate into your life. Let me know what you think, if you have any questions or if there’s anything you want to learn more about! Happy New year!

1. Sit less, move more: Whether it’s using a standing desk, cleaning the house, or just walking more. You can literally add years to your life.

2. Get an exercise routine: It doesn’t matter what it is. The best workouts are the ones that you will commit to and enjoy doing, doesn’t have to be anything crazy. The physical changes are cool for sure but the detoxifying effects of breaking a sweat are second to none.

3. Get fresh air: Being out in nature is so refreshing, is a great de-stressor, and helps clear your mind. Now, I love cities but there’s nothing like a good hike or walk away from the lights, big buildings and traffic. Stanford has even found quantifiable positive effects on mental health.

4. Drink more water: Water is the fuel that makes your body run. With up to 75% of Americans chronically dehydrated it’s crucial you’re getting enough. Start with getting half your body weight in ounces daily. (ex: 150lbs/2= 75oz)

5. Ditch the sugary drinks: I cannot stress enough how damaging these are for you and the more of these you drink, the more water you need to detox. Eliminate or minimize as much as possible your consumption of soda, sports drinks and sweetners. It’s tough I know, I used to drink two a day, but it’s worth it.

6. Watch out for additives, read labels: Sugar, sweetners, food dyes, and other artificial substances are everywhere. You’d be surprised where these things hide. Yogurts, salad dressing, sauces, etc. If it’s got a laundry list of stuff, you can’t pronounce something, or you don’t recognize it there’s a good chance it’s not good for you.

7. Quality over everything: The reality is sinking in that a lot of people are overfed and under nourished or even malnourished. Make quality foods a priority, you and your families health are worth it. That goes for vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, really everything.

8. Eat real food: Good rule of thumb, if it had a mother or came from the earth it’s probably good. That is, provided you’re following the to tips preceding this one. Cut down on the packaged, processed products.

9. Eat more fats: Don’t be afraid of fats, unless they’re trans fats and in that case avoid at all costs. Dietary fats and body fat are not the same thing, just share the same name (thanks English). You need it for proper hormone production and for vitamins A, D, E, & K to be absorbed properly.

10. Eat more veggies: This isn’t a new one but worth repeating. You can never eat too many vegetables. Loaded with all the vitamins and minerals you could ask for.

11. Cook more meals: It’s the best way to know exactly what you’re eating, not to mention how valuable of a skill it is to have. You’ll also save money this way too.

12. Get plenty of sleep: Sleep is critical to your health and productivity. The US economy loses $400 billion annually from sleep deprivation! You can make an argument that sleep is the most important thing for your health. It’s an important time for your immune system, stress reduction, energy, and focus, just to name a few.

13. Get a morning and evening routine: For both better quality sleep and a better start to the next day having these book ends are a great to have. A good day starts the night before.

14. Have a mindfulness practice: This can be meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, gratitude, or affirmations. Find whatever works for you. Anything that helps clear your mind for a bit and relax.

15. Get a goal, write it down & tell someone: Be intentional about what you want, put it down so you can plan for it, and have someone hold you accountable. This will greatly increase your chances of accomplishing this.

16. Be proactive: It’s never too late or early to make your health and wellness a priority. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s no need to do it alone, try and find someone who can help you cut the learning curve. Just start and go from there.

17. Don’t be so hard on yourself: Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. If you slip up, that’s fine just get back on it the next day. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself, just don’t make it an all the time thing. Be smart about it and trust that you’re making the progress you want.

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Robb Olivieri

Providence Wellness Solutions. ACSM CPT & IIN Health Coach. Empowering folks to be healthier, happier & more productive! ProvidenceWellnessSolutions.com