5 Powerful Ways to Improve Employee Health and Wellbeing at Work

Olu Ogunlela
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2022

The Benefits of Improving Employee Health and Wellbeing

Photo by Nirmal Rajendharkumar on Unsplash

It’s not uncommon to see people slouching at work due to fatigue, stress, and reduced motivation. In fact, if you’re working in sectors like news and media, your workload must have increased lately due to the endless streams of conflict news coming from East Europe.

Improving employee health and wellbeing can lead to more productive employees. It also increases the company’s bottom line by reducing absenteeism, improving staff retention, and boosting morale.

The human body is a miraculous living machine that needs maintenance in order to function properly, but most people don’t recognise that the way they take care of our bodies can have a huge impact on health and wellbeing.

Managers also need to understand that healthy employees are more likely to be productive, stay with the company for longer periods of time, and contribute more to the bottom line. To help you achieve this, I have written below are 5 proven ways that you can use to improve the health and wellbeing of your employees as a manager.

  1. Reduce the time employees spend at work: Overworking increases stress, and over time, this makes even the most agile employee slow in achieving little tasks. As much as possible, managers should try not to extend working hours, but be empathic towards their team’s mental needs.
  2. Organise workshops on wellbeing and productivity: Professionals have been shown to respond to learning. Sometimes, employees just need a little education from experts in order to improve in areas such as wellness productivity. FAANG companies and top S&P corporations like Microsoft and Amazon are known to prioritise health education in order to help their employees maintain optimum momentum at work. To organise a well-being workshop in your office, take advantage of Liferithms free employee wellness workshop.
  3. Organise workout weekends: Exercise releases endorphins that make people feel better and get rid of stress. Managers can organise weekend corporate workout sessions where employees can exercise with one another. This will increase employee association and improve happiness.
  4. Encourage employees to practise mindfulness: Not everyone can exercise because they have other things to do or they are too busy. This is where meditation comes in handy because it’s a great way to relieve stress without leaving your desk. Meditation is a great way to reduce anxiety and depression as well as improve your focus. Therefore, encourage your team to practice mindfulness through meditation.
  5. Offer flexible working hours: Organisations can leverage remote working to allow employees to work at times that suit them. Remote employees can better manage their time, improve their workout routine, and reduce stress from long hours transit by working remotely.

By putting these into practice in your office, you can improve your employee’s wellbeing, increase productivity and your organisation’s bottom-line.

I help people improve their well-being by writing on wellness, productivity, and digital health. Hope to see your comments below on how my articles have helped you. You can also click the follow button to read more helpful articles from me.



Olu Ogunlela

I help FAANG employees optimize their lifestyle to thrive in work and life using data from wearable tech. Built Lifeli App. https://linktr.ee/olu_ogunlela