Beat the Heat.. #1

Sahityika Poddar
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2017

To make all the recipes given below, we need to first prepare the sugar syrup. In a saucepan add one cup of water and one cup of sugar and let it heat up until the sugar melts entirely. It’s basically a liquid sweetener so that there is no grainy feeling while you are consuming your lemonade.

Then squeeze two to three lemons to extract its juice and finally mix it with the sugar syrup and one to two cups of water (you may add sparkling water instead of plane water to give it a fizz) to form the base of the various flavored lemonades that we are gonna prepare soon……

Classic Lemonade

To the above mentioned mixture add some fresh mint leaves to form the classic lemonade. Its easy to prepare and loaded with nutrition to help you beat the sun all throughout the day. You may add some ice cubes to the lemonade if you prefer a chilled drink.

Hibiscus Lemonade

On a pan heat up one to two cups of water and to this add some hibiscus tea. Let it brew for sometime so that the entire room is filled with the aroma of hibiscus flower. Once the tea is formed add the lemonade mixture prepared above to a pitcher and to this add the hibiscus tea. Grate some fresh ginger to the mixture to give it a tangy taste. Stir the mixture and add three to four ice cubes and your chilled hibiscus lemonade is ready!!

Peach Basil Lemonade

To the pitcher add one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice along with the simple syrup mentioned above, half a cup of peach juice or nectar as a sweetener, two sliced peaches, four to five fresh basil leaves, and two cups of sparkling water to give it the extra effervescence. Also tear the basil leaves to half and add them to the mixture as it gives out the essence more easily in this way. Add some ice cubes to your glass and serve your lemonade on the rocks!!

The summer is around and its really sweaty. So please do keep yourself hydrated by drinking loads of water. Have as much liquid as possible to stay healthy and fresh.

If you liked the above recipes then don’t forget to hit the recommend button. Also, follow me for more such deliciousness in the future.



Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…