Being Fat…. A Challenge Not a Curse

Sahityika Poddar
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2016

Obesity is a problem faced by many people around the world. It is a problem where an individual gains weight at a rapid rate, due to many reasons such as lack of exercise in daily routine or intake of too much junk food or maybe a side effect of some physical disorder, like hypothyroidism.

Causes of Obesity

​Fighting obesity is necessary because, in the long run it may lead to extra additions of harmful diseases in one’s health book. But being mentally ready to fight it is the most indispensable part of this battle. A critical challenge of being fat is the fatness itself. Dieting, heavy workouts, consuming food that was never a part of your staple diet before, and above all, managing all these along with your daily routine being intact is a work of some superhuman. All those who suffer from obesity try very hard to achieve that goal, but convincing others at the point where u still have that extra weight in your body, is very near to impossible.

The society expects you to shed 5 kg weight at the very first day you attempted to join the gym, in order to show a difference in your body. To convince them that it takes quite a lot of time to shed the excess fat from the body becomes something which we generally term to be the “mission impossible”.

People passing wired looks at you, chatting behind your back about your weight, giving you the most horrible names and sometimes publicly calling you by those names, astonishing expressions from an old friend who might have met you after a long time and hearing such comments as, “I couldn’t recognize you”, are some of the bundle of insults that you may have to endure and add to the digestion list of your daily diet. They are very depressing at the beginning leading to mental trauma, sleeplessness and the effects may seem to be prolonged. But there maybe many tactics as to handle these traumatizing situations.

There are many ways to loose fat and adopting small steps at the beginning is beneficial. Cutting down on the everyday junk food intake, drinking plenty of water, exercising at least thrice a week in the beginning, taking the steps instead of an elevator, are some of the ways to increase the metabolic rate which helps to burn the fat cells.

Steps to reduce fat

At a specific juncture in this phase some close relatives or friends may try to advice you to take care of yourself before it is too late. They are trying to help you and your remark shall be subtle and not out of frustration. It is the other part of the society who needs to be taken care of.

But is it justified to answer them or even pay attention to what they want to convey? I mean, who are they? They are not important part of your lives. Ignoring them would be the best option, but there obviously comes a moment where “Ignorance is NOT bliss”. But I would suggest, retaliation is not the ultimate solution too. Handling the matter manipulatively is very important. You will loose the fat from the body very soon but once spoken, your words cannot be take back. So answering them in a polite yet resilient manner is the drill.

But all these techniques are immaterial if you still haven’t accepted the fact that you are fat and you cannot change the present. You need to have the confidence that by sheer hard work you will change the future. Don’t compromise with it, but use it as your strength not only to regain the body structure but also to fight back the obesity itself. Killing those fat cells may be a very tedious process but accepting the fact that those fat cells are a part of your body at the present scenario will give you the strength to fight it back. Don’t get demoralized by the passing comments from some stranger. They are just there to point out the flaws in you. Who knows, there might be some huge talent in you which they may not even imagine to think of.

One more important point to take note of is:

“Comparison is a thief of joy”.

Don’t compare yourself with some skinny friend of yours. It is not a competition. There is no prize for the outcome. Her body belongs to her and yours belongs to you. What if there is something which if you compare with that skinny friend and you come out to be the winner. After winning what did you achieve. How much cash prize you got? NOTHING…!!!

Be you. This phase will soon pass by. You are fat and that is not a crime. It’s a blessing in God’s own way to give the slim ones a chance. Be optimistic. You are unique and you don’t need to prove that to anybody as long as you can accept it. Use your obesity as a strength to fight back and not as a curse to mourn about. The steps adopted to combat the fat cells is more important than crying over it. At the end it is your confidence, body language and strength that matters.

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Success is a Journey —

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Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…