Dinacharya — The Ultimate guide to a healthy morning…. #1

Sahityika Poddar
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2018

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian technique used by many, which not only helps to get rid of the daily fatigue but also helps in rejuvenating the soul for a better work day. With today’s busy schedule and innumerable hardships that every individual faces, having a healthy lifestyle is very important. So these are some tricks that you can follow every morning to help yourself wake up with a boost and start the day with zeal and confidence.

Rise Early

Rising before sunshine is the ideal way to start the morning. However, if you are a late riser then it will be very difficult to wake up early at the first go. But, trust me on this one, slowly your body will adapt to the changes in your clock timings. Your body is nothing but a complex algorithm with different emotions, intelligence, flesh and bone. The more you train it the more it gets trained. Once, you start teaching your body to wake up early, by trying to shift your clock 15 minutes earlier every week or so, then by the end of two or three months you will definitely hit the 6 am boundary.

Ideally, waking up between 4.30 am to 6.30 am is considered to be the most beneficial as this time of the day is considered to be the most peaceful and subtle time. So get going and stop hitting the snooze button. Rise and shine beauties. You deserve the early morning soothing and calming atmosphere.

Drink Drink Drink….

This ritual is followed almost all over the world and is not strictly an Ayurveda treatment as most doctors recommend this as well. After waking up, drink a glass of warm water in empty stomach. This helps to prep up the intestine for the upcoming day and also stimulates your bowels. You can also squeeze a fresh lemon in it to add to the benefits. But if you are a “No Sour” guy then just have the plain warm water. That should also help you a lot.


Next, head to the bathroom and get yourself cleansed. A splash of water on the face is very important to wake yourself up. Nowadays, sleeping in the Air Conditioned room at night is quite common, this strips off our skin of the natural hydration. Hence, a splash of water really helps to hydrate the skin. Wash your mouth with plain water or an oil based mouth wash. This will help to get rid of the oral germs and finally brush your teeth as usual. Then scrap your tongue with a steel or preferably a copper scrapper to get rid of any extra germs. Splash some water in your eyes. Doing this early in the morning helps to prevent “Dry Eye” which is a common syndrome due to the recent increase in the pollution levels. Once, you get used to this routine, this will be the juncture when you will evacuate the bowels and the intestine and lighten yourself up.


Morning time is the best time to strain your body to remove the extra calories and detoxify the body to feel fresh and awakened all day long. Do a few squats and push-ups if you are a regular gym going person or you can definitely indulge in full proof yoga routines in the morning.


Abhyanga or oil message is a very good treatment to pamper your body everyday. This is an essential step to tighten the skin and help regulate blood flow to all the parts of your body. Use any oil of your choice to message it well all over the body starting from hands, to legs, to feet, to the chest area. Go gently, in circular motions. Dry brushing your skin in specific circular movements before going to bath is also an effective way to get rid of dry and flaky skin and improve blood circulation.


Take a warm or a cool shower depending on your needs. I prefer taking a cool shower as it helps me to retain the natural moisture of my skin. Too much hot water may strip your skin, so be careful of the temperature you are pouring on to your skin. Use a mild soap for getting rid of the extra oil. Do not skip shower as this is the only way that cools your body and freshens you up.

Eat Eat Eat….

Finally, it’s time for breakfast. Make sure you have the appropriate quantity and the health packed meal to get you through till lunch. I prefer oats or Kellogs at this point of the day. Please do not eat oats at night or for dinner as it takes time to digest and dinner is probably not the best time to consume it as we tend to sleep after that without much body movements. This makes digestion slower and may lead to stomach upset the next morning. So eat oats early in the morning so that it keeps you full throughout the day ans also gets easily digested.

First of all, I want to apologize for not writing for a long time, but I can definitely assure you that it was not for nothing. I was enhancing my knowledge in the field of Ayurveda because it has impacted me in numerous good ways and today I want to share them with you and help you benefit from the ancient techniques.

I have started the Ayurvedic treatments that will be released in parts. Do clap for me and follow me for more such health benefits. Stay healthy and be gorgeous….



Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…