Feel Great Fast: Eliminate Chronic Inflammation

Jenny Barnett
Published in
11 min readJun 27, 2020
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

A close friend of ours brought his fiancé, Joan, for a visit a few years back.

After driving from North Carolina to Connecticut, her back was in dire pain.

I mean dire.

Joan asked permission to lie on our carpeted living room shortly after they arrived.

She then proceeded to roll around in “fetal agony.”

Through groans, she apologized and said, “I have severe joint pain and other ailments.”

“And on top of it all, this back issue is so debilitating…

…and excruciating.”

As it turns out, Joan was a retired nurse. At the risk of offending her and our dear friend, I held my tongue.

But I had a pretty good idea what was ailing her, and I was pretty sure that I could fix it.

Because I used to be a lot like Joan.

Chronically in Pain

Over 45% of Americans (157 million people) suffer from at least one chronic condition such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and lesser-understood conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, Crone’s disease, and fibromyalgia.

50% of those affected have more than one chronic condition.

7 out of 10 deaths in America are due to chronic diseases.

Most of this is related to what we eat in one way or another.

My demon’s name: fibromyalgia.

I looked forward to daily bouts of severe IBS (people asked if I was pregnant) diverticulitis infections, at least three migraine episodes per week, and mind-numbing bone pain.

Imagine rats gnawing at your bone marrow to forge a “tunnel to nowhere.”

Over and over again.

Know the feeling?

I hope not.

Back to the point.

The title of this article is “feel great fast”; I’m sure your anxiously waiting for me to tell you how.

Here’s the thing. My husband says you can’t have it all. He’s kind of a Debbie Downer and he’s also kind of right.

You can feel great fast, but I never promised it would be easy.

In my case, it took only 48 hours to become my best self.

I mean, I was living my best life.

Hiking to the highest peaks.

You name it, I was doing it.

Depression? Gone.

Brain fog? Gone

Chronic pain? Gone

When I say, “gone,” I mean like in the forever sense of the word.

I did not simply adopt a fad diet. I adopted a lifestyle.

Within a year, I started my own six-figure business.

Before that, I was one of those schmucks with a college degree earning $500 per week.

So how did I do it?

Why Your Body is Inflamed

Photo by call me hangry 🇫🇷 on Unsplash

After being completely fed up with spending the better part of my life in bed or crouched over in agony, I Googled a phrase that I saw in a headline one day, “wheat belly.”

My research led me to the famous work of Dr. William Davis, Wheat Belly.

The basic premise, in a nutshell, is that people should not eat cane sugar or grains (wheat [in its many forms], rice, oats, etc.) since grains have been altered in such a way that they inevitably produce inflammatory health problems.

A lot of this began when wheat was genetically modified to feed millions of people. Genetically modified grains grew much faster, hopefully ensuring that the world’s population would not go hungry. But this new scientific development turned wheat into the Hulk.

Except, instead of raging strength, wheat turned into a super sugar.

No kidding.

The glycemic index of wheat — I’m talking about your ancient grain whole wheat — is higher than cane sugar.

Dr. Davis’s advice was only the beginning of my journey to health. I don’t follow the advice of one thought leader or subscribe to one fad diet such as Atkins, Paleo, Keto, or Whole 30.

However, many of these catchy diets are based in part on decent medical research.

Besides being super sugary, gluten is partly comprised of the protein, gliadin. Research links gliadin to multiple harmful health effects in the body and on the brain. While in the gastrointestinal tract, gliadin breaks down into polypeptides called exorphins. Exorphins trigger opiate receptors in the brain, which control hunger and are responsible for behavior changes.

Exorphins may be why so many people have asymptomatic celiac disease (ACD). People with ACD do not experience diarrhea and abdominal pain like most Celiacs. It turns out these polypeptides are clever at camouflaging themselves in the gut thereby hiding their toxic effects. In fact, only 17% of persons with celiac disease present with symptoms.

So if you’re saying to yourself, “This is not me. I feel fine most of the time,” know that it could be you.

Intake of gluten has been linked to diabetes, depression, and schizophrenia. That’s why I suggest that the old adage, “you can eat anything in moderation” is false when it comes to gluten. You must cut gluten out of your diet completely in order to feel better.

Well at least I didn’t say you have to give up cheese.

Sorry. Yes you do.

Sadly, casein, milk’s main protein, has been shown to have similar effects in the body as gluten. I’m always amazed at the link between mental health and gluten/casein free diets. Studies reveal that diets without gluten/casein dramatically improve social and cognitive functions.

Perhaps you don’t have autism or you don’t know anyone who does. Although, I’d be surprised if you didn’t since cases are on the rise. Even if you and your family appear healthy, don’t be fooled. It’s not really a surprise that gluten/casein-free diets help reduce the unwanted effects of autism when you consider the gut-brain axis.

The hypothesis is simple. What happens in your intestines affects your emotional and cognitive brain centers. This is true regardless of whether or not you appear to be healthy. Ever wonder why you get so H-A-N-G-R-Y?

Imagine how motivated you’ll feel when these complex, toxin-producing processes stop slowing you down.

In the end, however, it boils down to sugar: Sugar causes inflammation and inflammation is harmful.

Remember carbohydrates equal sugar. Sugar leads to obesity and a lot of other nasty chronic ailments.

So what sort of inflammation should you be concerned about?

Chronic low-grade inflammation.

Clinical data link such inflammation to the development of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, depression, and overall increased mortality. Therefore, lowering your chronic inflammation reduces the risk of developing chronic health problems.

If you’re among the fortunate (or maybe not so fortunate, depending on your viewpoint), your body won’t retaliate on a daily basis while you (or more likely the food industry) overload it with toxins. One day, you’ll be informed that you have diabetes or heart disease. But for a growing number of us, poor eating habits cause debilitating chronic illnesses.

Many companies have started wellness programs to encourage their employees to get back on track to healthier living. I applaud their efforts, but the problem is that people don’t know what’s healthy and often Western medicine does not know either.

So they count calories and try to cut out fast food. But then the same companies serve pizza or bagels to reward employees for a job well done. Oops!

The Road to Feeling Great

Photo by Iñigo De la Maza on Unsplash

After nearly dying before my 30th birthday, it became essential to take my health into my own hands. I’m eternally grateful for the doctors who saved my life, but they also left me holding the bag. They didn’t understand the root cause of my infection or whether another infection would develop at any point.

The medical professionals simply knew that a repeat occurrence could be life threatening.

They said things like, “Let’s just hope you’ll be okay now. For some people it doesn’t return. But if it does, we would have to cut out sections of your intestines and you’re too young for that.”

Insert head-in-hands emoji here.

Frankly, the amount of money made by rolling out new prescription drugs prevents society from focusing on what makes us feel better fast. And for the long haul.

Lucky for you, I did my research. I used my body as a test case so others don’t have to go through years-long trial and error. Honestly, my body didn’t have any better opportunities at that time.

To feel great quickly, make the following commitments:

Eat tons of veggies and fresh fruit (you should eat seasonally for maximum health). Tip: check out your local farmer’s market for lots of organic and tastier options.

Eat foods high in healthy fat such as nuts, coconut, avocados, eggs, salmon, dark chocolate, etc.

Cut out processed foods (gluten free doesn’t not equal healthy if its processed with rice and potato starch and loads of sugar or other nasty additives).

Cut out wheat or corn! Period.

Limit rice and oats.

Cut out cane sugar, corn syrup, or high fructose corn syrup (I don’t care if it’s organic) Instead use coconut sugar, honey, or real maple syrup to sweeten things in moderation.

Cut out sugary beverages (don’t forget to check your flavored dairy free creamer).

Say no to red meat.

Limit meat in general to no more than a 1/4 pound per meal.

Limit dairy and then cut it out entirely. I know this one hurts and it took more a while to get here so be patient with yourself.

Consume ghee instead of butter to eliminate unwanted sugar.

Cook with spices and fresh herbs so that your food does not taste bland. Good spices really make the difference.

Read food labels. There are several names for wheat. Ironically, buckwheat is not wheat (part of the rhubarb family).

Take a multi vitamin and other supplements to ensure that your body receives the nutrients it needs for optimal function. Eliminating dairy, as an example, means that you will not take in as much calcium. Dark leafy greens (think fresh baby spinach sautéed in ghee with garlic scapes…YUM!) will provide a good dose of calcium naturally.

Obviously, if you have an allergy to any foods or you’re unsure, always consult your physician.

If you think you can’t do it, I understand. But I have lived with a commitment to this lifestyle for over four years. In 2019, I went dairy free; after one year, I don’t miss it!

If you think my solution is simply about weight loss, guess again.

This is about feeling great. Mentally and physically. If weight loss is what your body needs, this lifestyle will allow that to happen naturally.

And you’ll keep the weight off.

Surprisingly, I gained a few pounds over the course of my wellness journey. Why? Well, I was too thin. My doctors said I was underweight, but I could never put on a pound despite eating meals every two hours. Co-workers marveled at how much food I could consume in a day. People generally gasped in horror, especially at my hangry reactions.

Picture a giant Venus fly trap yelling “More food!” That was basically my life. Sometimes throwing inanimate objects was also involved.

My weight is finally stable. I feel good about my body for the first time in my life. And my doctor is thrilled too.

You might be wondering, “How will this diet fit into my budget or my hectic schedule?”

Consider this.

Real food that’s nutritious costs more.

You will have to commit to cooking and preparing meals ahead.

However, without rapidly plummeting blood sugar, you won’t need to snack. The time you save eating every couple of hours can be redirected toward meal prep.

Hangry much? Not anymore.

Don’t enjoy cooking? Maybe 2020 is the year to learn. Cooking is a great way to unwind and can be done as a family. Start following a few bloggers that share grain free recipes for inspiration and support.

Fast food and junk food are not cheap. Especially when you realize the opportunity cost to your daily and long term health.

Stock up on vegetables because they keep you full and are reasonably priced. A sweet potato goes a long way to keep you full of energy and increase productivity. Throw on some scallions and dairy free cheese and you have a great lunch.

Most recipes can be adapted to suit sugar-free and grain-free lifestyles.

I cheat, sometimes, because running my own business means I can’t spend all day in the kitchen.

I buy Simple Mills and other brands that use nuts and coconut in their pre-made mixes. This way I can still enjoy blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip waffles, cookies, and super fudge-y brownies.

Siete makes the best grain free wraps, taco shells, and cashew-queso dip. Love taco night? So do I!

Penzey’s online spice market also tops of my list. If you’re new to their site, try a “gift box” to sample customer favorites.

Don’t forget that in the digital age there are amazing grocery delivery services. They don’t cost much and will save you loads of time. I also order from Thrive Market. Despite the $50 yearly fee (but free shipping) I’ve saved over $675 last year.

They stock delicious products such as Hu chocolate at a 30% savings.

So if I lost you somewhere back at “no more cheese,” come back to me. Start by giving up all heavily processed foods, wheat and sugar. That’s what I did.

Give it 3 days. Yep, just 72 hours (no cheating!) and you’ll feel great in no time. And I promise that you won’t miss what you think you’re craving.

I always keep my promises.

What About Joan?

After one life-changing dinner at our house, Joan woke up completely renewed. Even I wasn’t expecting such a dramatic and sudden turnaround.

I assure you it was not our guest-room mattress. My husband set up something “serviceable” so guests wouldn’t be tempted to overstay their welcome. Don’t judge. You’ve all been there.

In fact, we were worried that Joan might wake up in quite a foul mood with her back pain.

Instead she sang and fluttered about the house like Belle galivanting through the village square.

She proclaimed, “I haven’t felt this good in years. I’m not sure I have ever felt this good. I’m healed. I’m cured. What did you do to me?”

We proceeded to explain our lifestyle choices to Joan and her fiancé.

My husband had quite a lot to say too since he had lost over 40 pounds. Because of our sustainable diet, he was able to lower his blood sugar back to the normal range and eliminate high blood pressure and high cholesterol without medication.

Then Joan asked me if bagels contained gluten and if she would have to give up fried cinnamon sticks?

I knew we still had some explaining to do. But at least Joan was listening, and now you are too.

Since then Joan’s back pain has improved and she’s able to enjoy golf again.

I’ve coached loads of other friends and family over the years, but I remember Joan the most because it was the first time I realized that too many people are suffering and I can help.

I want to help you.

