Finding Health Away From Home

Jenna Granger
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2017

About a year ago my boyfriend said, “let’s go on a long trip.” I said, “Cool, let’s do it, where shall we go?” We thought about it and finally decided on the little old country of Nicaragua with our primary goal of learning Spanish. And so then we packed, planned, booked our home-stay and Spanish classes, and purchased our probiotics.

Knowing that we were going to be on this adventure for at least 5 weeks, I was wondering how I was going to be able to keep up the healthy habits I worked so hard on in my daily life. Things like exercising, flossing, eating greens, taking supplements, drinking water, getting quality social connections as well as alone time, you know, all the actions we do to make us feel happy and whole. I know from past travels, that I have let a lot slip. I also have done well on some things, but finding a balance has always been a challenge.

So I started googling ‘healthy travel habits’, ‘healthy traveling’, ‘how to be healthy on-the-go’ etc… What did I find? Not much. Mostly CDC recommendations on how to not get dengue fever and a few one page blogs by health coaches on their travel experiences or digital nomads on their health experiences, which all had a few good tips. But what I didn’t see was one whole site full of insight on how to keep up healthy habits while traveling. Which I thought was weird, I mean, am I the only one who struggles with this?

I can’t be. So what do you do when you can’t find something you need? And you have the experience and (at least some) knowledge to do it?

You create it yourself.

What helped me realized that I needed to create this site was the sudden awareness that I have, as it turns out, been fortunate to do a lot of traveling. Starting when I was 11 traveling with my mom and brother to Nepal, then living and exploring India, multiple trips to Mexico, visiting my brother in Argentina, teaching in New Zealand, and of course my 2–3 years of working and traveling to various cities in the US. I have experience traveling for work (and the experience of my health falling apart, which actually led me to becoming a health coach- a story for another day), traveling for fun, long term travel, and, family travel. And I, of course after all this have not figured it out.

Finding balance while traveling is not an easy one for many of us.

But what were to happen if I combined my travel experience with my health coaching education?

I know I would learn more, be more aware, and I could share my findings with others struggling with this same thing. As well as studying from the experts and sharing their healthy habits, because I sure don’t know it all.

So I decided, yes, this is what I will do. And I started writing and conducting interviews.

And we went on our trip. It was great. And I was right, with this added awareness on healthy habits, I did learn a lot.

Which brings me to today. The day of my new website launch. A website filled with helpful tips for feeling your best while traveling. I interviewed experts, I wrote about my mistakes and lessons, and I researched so that we don’t have to feel like crap when we get home from a trip anymore. We can easily take care of ourselves.

So the next time you travel you start implementing your healthy travel goals, so you can find out what works for you and what doesn’t, so that your next trip is good and the next one even better.

Because traveling is about having the best experience possible.

So go see for yourself. There might just be some really helpful tips that could transform your next trip at



Jenna Granger

Health Coach, Teacher, Observer, Chocolate Lover, Mountain Liver, Traveler.