Follow These 10 Tips and You Won’t Sabotage Your New Year Fitness Goals

Jeremy Colon
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2017

2017 is your where you can achieve the body you have always wanted!

Follow these simple 10 tips if you want to get fit and change your body in 2017!

1. HIT It

If you’re serious about burning body fat, do HIT cardio which is high intensity training. You can get a lovely body doing it for just 20 minutes, 4–5 times a week, at home. No gym needed, no excuses. You can even look up YouTube videos if you don’t know where to start.

2. Eat More

Don’t diet. You need high-calorie meals to give you energy to work out. If you’re only eating 1,000 calories a day, you have no chance of burning fat and building lean muscle and your body will never change.

3. Drink Up

Most people don’t drink enough water. I recommend 2–4 liters a day. Not only is water beneficial for proper hydration, it also improves digestion and metabolism of fat. Cut out all fizzy drinks and juices because you’re just drinking calories and we don’t want that!

4. Get Rid of The Scales

I call it the sad step. You stand on it and one day it moves, another day it doesn’t, and you get upset. Take progress pictures once a month instead. They’re the best way of measuring how your body is transforming.

5. Have Two Rest Days

It’s important to give yourself enough time recover when you’re training. Don’t try to smash it every single day, your body needs to rest and repair.

6. Stock Up on Real Food

Meal replacement shakes, cleansing and detoxing are all nonsense. I don’t mind a scoop of whey in a shake but those dense protein bars are full of nonsense. Try using real food like oats, eggs, cheese, steak, coconut milk and avocados in your next recipe!

7. Make Your Own ‘Junk’ Food

You don’t have to miss out on delicious food. You can do healthy fish like tuna and chips, for example, rather than eating junk cooked in nasty vegetable oils.

8. Put in the Prep

Invest in Tupperware and start batch cooking and prepping your food in advance. Pack up healthy lunches so you won’t buy sandwiches and meal deals on the go.

9. Lose the Booze

You’ve got to cut right down on booze because it’s one of the biggest things that stops you burning fat. You don’t have to cut it out completely but the less you drink, the easier you’ll find it to get lean.

10. Be patient

This isn’t a quick fix, it’s about a long-term plan where you eat lots of yummy food, train and get an amazing, fit body. You’ll have to wait 3–4 weeks for visible results to come but within a week you’ll be sleeping better and waking up with more energy to train.

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Jeremy Colon

Body Transformation Coach | Building a Better & Stronger Mind, Body, and Soul | CEO & Founder, Master Personal Trainer & Life Coach - Jeremy Colon Enterprises