How I dropped 5 Kilos in lockdown by focusing on one metric

Manoj Surya
Published in
11 min readJun 27, 2020


How you can do it, stay healthy and get lean

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

From march 22nd, we had lockdown in India and when I last checked my weight in June end, my weight showed up 5 kilos less. That is from 65kg to 60kg weight. For my height being at 60.8kg brings me to little less than 25 on BMI scale. Which is considered a good number. There are many arguments about accuracy of BMI and having it as a bench mark. Let me put it this way, I lost weight and I feel good. I think that’s a metric I can trust on.

This number is crazy because I am at my lowest weight until now expect for once last year when I got dengue and lost lot of weight. This time, it was intentional, well monitored by me and I made sure I did many things right.

I will give a little background on where I am coming from. Until 2015, I was totally obese with almost no physical exercise. I was eating junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh wait, for my snack breaks too. My cholesterol levels shoot the roof. Fast forward, I was going to one of my friends gym and used to chit chat with him and slowly trainers there became my friends. One of the trainer made me feel guilty of coming every day and not working out. Next day, I picked up my shorts, t-shirt (no shoes yet) and started working out. One led to the other. I then contacted another friend who is…



Manoj Surya

I write about everything I learnt to become better at life , endurance, health, books, reading and building products