How I took control of my lower back pain

Leon Ephraïm
Published in
5 min readJan 4, 2017


I was one exercise away from finishing my workout and I had plenty of time to get to work still. But then it happened; during an abdominals exercise a intense pain in my back struck me. For a couple of weeks I was immobile. Every single move I made hurt. Fast forward to today, three years after, and I’m doing great. But more importantly; so is my back. You want to know why? I like to believe it has everything to do with my morning lower back stretching routine I’ll share with you in a minute.

I couldn’t even get in my car or cook dinner

But first, let’s go back to that moment three years ago when my back wasn’t doing so good. I couldn’t even get in my car or cook dinner. I went to see my doctor and I got some pain killers to reduce the pain. He also advised me to see a a physical therapist to physically rehabilitate.

The root of (my) lower back problems

Hans, the physical therapist was able to tell me all about the root of my lower back problems. I had been burdening my lower back for too long and it had taken its toll. As it turned out, it was related to me having tight hamstrings. When you have tight hamstrings they can put strain on your pelvic bone and subsequently on your lower back.

My personal situation didn’t exactly increase the odds of having looser hamstrings either. Just like everyone else who works in the tech industry I spent most of my working days sitting in a (basic) office chair. And even though I had been going to the gym for a few years I had been focussing solely on muscle building and neglected muscle flexibility. On top of that it seemed I was doomed to having tight hamstrings genetically speaking.

Although I kept being treated by my physical therapist I still ignored his advice to work on my flexibility. Until a year ago. I started to read up on stretching and figured I’d give it a try. That’s how I created a habit of doing a short and easy, 5 minute stretching routine every morning. Note that by no means I’m an expert or medical practitioner, I just know these routines helped in reducing my lower back pain. Please advise a medical professional before doing this routine, as every body and everyone’s physical condition differs.

1. Knee to Chest

I start out by doing the easiest stretch of the routine; the knee to chest stretch. It’s a relatively easy exercise to stretch your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. How-to video

Hold for 30 seconds per leg

2. Hamstring Stretch with band

After the Knee to Chest stretch I move on to ‘Hamstring stretch with bands’. My physical therapist always tells me I shouldn’t overdo stretches, meaning that you should feel somewhat of a stretch but it isn’t a contest of being tough through the pain. How-to video

Hold for 45 seconds per leg

3. Cat & Camel

These two exercise form a dynamic duo as people usually alternate between the two. This combo exercise helps to reduce stiffness and mobilize the back. How-to video

Alternate a couple of times and hold for about 5 seconds each time

4. One Legged King Pigeon Pose

This is a yoga post that helps you add more flexibility to your hip. If you have chronic knee or ankle problems I’d advise you to not practice this one. How-to video

Hold for about 30 seconds per leg

5. Bottom to Heels

Another exercises that stretches and mobilizes the spine. How-to video

Hold for about 20 seconds

Does this mean I never feel my lower back ache anymore?

But it takes more than stretching

I have been doing this routine for a year now and I feel so much better. And not just because of the actual stretching exercising. I really enjoy having a morning routine to start the day off. Does this mean I never feel my lower back ache anymore? Unfortunately it doesn’t. But my routine has definitely helped in taming it and toning down the fierceness of the pain. Next to doing these stretches I can recommend doing some other type of exercise like weightlifting to strengthen your muscles. At the Yummygum office I also work at a standing desk every now and then to move away from sitting and as far as my office chair goes, I replaced the old plain one with for a Varier chair that stimulates a posture that’s in tune with my spine’s natural shape.

If you’re experiencing lower back pain you may want to give my morning stretch routine a try. Of course you don’t need to feel lower back pain in order to do this routine. You can also do it as precautionary measure or just to start your day off with.

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