How I’m going to Bounce back from a Bad Weekend and not feel GUILTY!!!

Jasmine U Speaks
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2017

My new approach at a lifestyle change in 2017 has been going great. There’s been days that I could have done better of course but for the most part I’m off to a great start. Then comes my birthday. I love drinking, I really do. Especially having my kids gone for the weekend, this momma is FREE! I will not deny myself especially on my birthday. Looking back at the weekend I still made some good choices. Started my Friday morning with a great healthy breakfast. My friend treated me and we tried a new restaurant that had some great options. I had a veggie scramble and protein pancakes and it was delicious! That’s right this fat girl had protein pancakes and loved it haha.

This great meal was really a brunch then I made myself a lean roast beef sandwich with spinach and hummus as an early dinner. So my night of wine, beer, tequila shots and fried chicken wings at 2:00 am was amazing. No ounce of guilt the next day other than a slight headache from the shots lol. I doubled my water the next day and ate pretty light until my birthday dinner. Mexican and margaritas is common tradition for my birthday. Now that I’m getting older I couldn’t bare 2 nights of partying so I’m glad I just enjoyed my meal and one tasty frozen cup of paradise. What I noticed now is that I didn’t stuff myself with my favorite food. I passed on the cheese dip and had more food in my to go box than usual.

Today I woke up and reflected. The treats were nice but now its time to really Turn Up! I feel motivated today instead of guilt. I did two different workout tapes back to back. Now I’m listening to music and meal prepping before I pick up the kiddos. I am no where close to where I want to be but I felt so inspired to share this today. Treats are needed as long as you feel you deserve them. I want to replace my love for alcohol with other things that make me feel good but not deny myself either.

Moving forward to get to the next 10 lbs, I’m going to push for longer workouts. I started thus far doing 20 to 25 minutes about 3 days a week. This week I’m shooting for 45 minutes for 4 days. One other small change is my coffee creamer and sugar. The Lose It app has made me realize some empty calories that I swear by. This morning I made my coffee with vanilla almond milk and honey. Surprisingly it’s not bad!

Best wishes to all of you in your journey. If you have any small changes that has worked for you I would love to hear them. Also if you made it this far please hit the heart, I’m new to medium and am so encouraged when a reader takes the time and enjoys my story. God Bless



Jasmine U Speaks

The struggle and rise of a single mother looking for health,love, peace and financial freedom.