How to drink more water and Realize the difference within…

Sahityika Poddar
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2020

Water is an essential element deciding a number of factors related to our health. It is a life-sustaining element that should be taken at regular intervals for the proper functioning of the organs.

Around 60% of our body comprises of water and 70% of the earth is water. Omnipresent water could be the reason we do not keep it on the top of our list in the day-to-day activities. There is no actual or specific quantity in litres that a person should have, but for a healthy human being with a proper height-to-weight ratio should have around 4 litres of water. If a person is obese he/she should have 5 litres. But keeping ourselves hydrated could lead to a number of improvements in our body.

The prime benefits of drinking an adequate amount of water in a day are:

  1. An improved digestive health
  2. Regulation of body temperature
  3. Proper lubricating joints
  4. Aids in weight loss
  5. Increases energy levels
  6. Improves skin and hair quality
  7. Detoxifies the body

The list goes on because it is an elixir widely available but not so famous or underused due to its availability.

There are several ways in which we can track 4 liters of water in a day.

  1. One could use a 1-liter bottle solely for their own use. The number of times you fill the bottle is the number of liters entering your body. Ideally, you should finish 3 liters before the sunsets because we don't want to hit the washroom frequently while sleeping and disrupt the sleep at night.
  2. Use an app to track your water intake. This way you know how much you have had in the past hours and whether you need to up your intake to meet the goal set for that day. You could also utilize the features of the app, like reminding you to take water every half an hour, or two intervals where you should fo out and take a hydrating fruit juice like coconut water, etc.

3. Try to have flavored water in a day. Mix all the fruits and berries in your water pitcher and refrigerate it the night before. Once you wake up you could start sipping the chilled beverage ready for you. You could also take a detox drink with 500 ml of warm water and squeeze a whole lemon and drink it up. Play with variety to intake around 500 ml to 1 liter of water every morning so as to up your game right at the beginning of the day.

4. Try to track the time along with water intake. Set a goal. Try to complete 2 liters by 12 pm noon. Once you complete your lunch and take a walk after that try to track 1.5 liters more before 5 pm. the time after 5 pm you should reduce the intake little and track another 500 ml till 8 pm or until you hit the bed. Time management in this aspect could prove to be pretty helpful. Using a marked water bottle could also help in this aspect.

5. Hit the gym or indulge in physical activity. That way you intake more water due to the increase in the requirement of the oxygen levels in your body. The more you sweat the more water you lose and the more water you intake. A healthy cycle all must follow at least 4 times a week.

6. Try tracking the water-intake with a group of friends. That way not only will they help and keep you motivated, you could also change a life and regain it for yourself. Try getting help from a coach who could help you with your lifestyle and routines and make you become fit. I being a nutrition coach was able to change a lot of life for the better, Currently, I am conducting a 10-day water challenge where I am helping a couple of my friends and a lot of Instagram and Facebook friends to track their water holistically.

7. In the end, try to keep a weekly goal and once you achieve that goal, try to reward yourself for it. Gift yourself an extra hour of NetFlix that weekend or indulge in a cup of coffee as a reward, anything that could please you. Keep up the good work and Reward yourself!!

My experience after tracking 4 liters of water consistently for 3 days was:

  1. Reduced headache after continuous exposure to the computer screen
  2. Reduced body aches or back pains
  3. Clear urination without any pains
  4. Flushing of toxins leading to higher energy levels
  5. Plumped skin and a glowing effect
  6. Better digestion and proper bowel movements.

I would urge all my readers to track your water intake and feel the difference for yourself. The changes are inevitable and will blow your mind once you reach the end.

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Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…