How to Get Back on Track After a Weekend of Debauchery…

Pete Weintraub
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2017

First off, I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend!

Now that that’s over with, I have a question for you: Were you naughty, or were you nice when it comes to the food you ingested?

Last Friday, I gave you a Memorial Day BBQ Guide with quite a few simple tweaks you can make to common fare during summer holidays. Between the simple substitutes I laid out in the email, as well as the Food Guide and Recipe Book I made available to you, you were well-armed with the tools necessary to enjoy the BBQ without doing damage to your waist line.

However, I know that like with Santa’s list, we can sometimes feel inclined to deviate from a healthier nutritional plan — Especially when copious amounts of tempting, unhealthy food and booze are readily available to us, and may be the only option for several hours!

So, now that the holiday’s over, and we’ve got a little over a month before the next major one, how do we get back on track nutritionally if we fell off the wagon over the weekend?

If it were really simple, I would just say to forget whatever ‘bad’ you did this weekend, and that you should restart the trend of healthy eating going forward. However, depending on what you ate and how much of it was ingested, it’s a little more complicated than that…

Starches, and more specifically, grains, tend to be the biggest nutritional malady readily ingested at summer BBQs. Hot dog and hamburger buns, beer, potato chips, and other starchy snacks probably comprised the bulk of the spread that was available to you. A day or two of stuffing your face with all that, and you’re almost starting from scratch when it comes to overcoming grain addiction.

Grains contain two proteins: Gluten and gliadin. While gluten has been demonized as the worst component of wheat and of grains, in general, gliadin is actually the one that has opiate-like properties, and as a result, is the protein that makes grains so damn addictive! If you find yourself craving sandwiches, pizza and pasta this week, then it’s most likely due to the fact that you ingested copious amounts of grains, and thus, gliadin, re-activating any previous addiction to this completely innutritious food group.

There are two ways you can go about overcoming this addiction:

1) Go cold turkey, understanding that the next few days are going to be filled with cravings and difficulty when faced with the prospect of ingesting more, or

2) Prepare substitutions to make this process easier.

In my Memorial Day BBQ Guide, I reviewed some simple things you can do to substitute grains for healthier options. Here are some of the main takeaways you can use this week, too, as you wean yourself off the crap:

Substitute Bread/Buns with Either Lettuce or Paleo Wraps. A link to a healthy brand of Paleo Wraps can be found here: If you decide to go with lettuce, keep that lettuce organic! Don’t want pesticides in your food ;-)

Bake some Parsnip Chips in Place of Potato Chips. That recipe, along with 71 others spanning breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, appetizers and desserts can be found in my Recipe Book here:

Swap out the beer with one of the ‘Big 3’ Types of Booze. After doing an extensive amount of research on the subject, the three best forms of booze to drink that won’t affect your health and your weight loss journey AS MUCH as others are tequila, gin and dry red wine.

Please keep in mind that I don’t suggest that you drink AT ALL on your weight loss journey! Alcohol lowers your metabolism, and also will lower your inhibitions so that you’re more apt to make a poor food choice while under the influence.

Trust me — Been there, done that, at least half a million times!

Last thing I want to touch on quickly: If you’re feeling like you almost need to start over and that you’re a failure because you knowingly ate crap this weekend, don’t do that to yourself. You’re human, and you’re going to make mistakes — Many of which you’ll knowingly make going into a situation. Remember that YOU control how you react and adapt to the ups and downs in your life, so instead of wallowing in self-pity about how you didn’t do the ‘right’ thing, make the adjustment and get back on the horse going forward.

Until tomorrow!


Pete Weintraub

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Pete Weintraub

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.