How to lose Fat?

Sahityika Poddar
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2019


The first step to succeed is to be aware…

It’s no surprise that half of today’s population suffers from obesity. A lot of health issues can lead to the storage of fat in the body, starting with digestive issues, bloating, slow metabolism due to a sedentary lifestyle, few sneaky foods that screw with your digestion, etc.

While all these are the reasons, the consequences are scarier. Digestion issues lead to constipation, piles, or a stomach ulcer. A junk diet leads to the accumulation of unhealthy fat and cholesterol in the body, eventually leading to the accumulation of visceral fat around the organs.

Imagine you are trying to run but five people are hugging you tightly. Will you be able to run?

Similar is the case with the visceral fat and the organs. Even though your heart is trying to pump blood faster, it is unable to do that properly due to the accumulation of a layer of visceral fat across it, which leads to cardiac arrest and so many other life-threatening scenarios.

There is a lot of difference between a healthy heart and an unhealthy heart. A heart having a layer of visceral fat around it is prone to losing a beat every few minutes leading to an irregular heartbeat.

Difference between a healthy heart and an unhealthy heart.

Visceral fat is sometimes referred to as “active fat” because it can actively increase the risk of serious health problems. Visceral fat can start causing health problems immediately. It can increase insulin resistance, even if you’ve never had diabetes or prediabetes.

Most importantly, carrying excess visceral fat increases the risk of developing several serious long-term, life-threatening medical conditions. These include:

  • Cardiac arrest
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Alzheimer’s disease

The other type of fat that is noticed in a human’s body is the subcutaneous fat, which is a layer of fat just under the skin. Everyone has some subcutaneous fat, due to lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise, as well as genetics, affect the amount of subcutaneous fat each person develops.

People are more likely to accumulate both visceral and subcutaneous fat when:

  • They are sedentary or spend a lot of time sitting.
  • They get little or no aerobic exercise.
  • They have little muscle mass.
  • They eat more calories than they burn.
  • They are insulin resistant or have diabetes.

Excess quantity of any type of fat in the body is harmful and steps should be taken to mitigate it.

The only way to avoid the accumulation of excess fat in the body is to change the lifestyle. Changes in the nutrition intake, changes in the biological clock, changes in daily activity could show a significant change on the weighing scale too.

Did you know that 70–80% of weight loss depends upon nutrition, while the other 20–30% depends upon physical activity?

Now, how to check the visceral fat or Body composition?

Well, BMI or Body Mass Index points out the weight that one should have ideally, based on the current weight and height. Though it provides a rough estimation of the numbers you need to focus in the future, it doesn't provide accurate results as to what is there in your body.

BCA or Body Composition Analysis helps to recognize the pitfalls.

Typically a BCA helps to analyze the fat distribution in the body, the visceral fat content, the muscle mass, bone mass, water weight, protein content, etc. This helps to categorize where you need to work and what is missing at the moment. Sometimes it also shows the metabolism rate of the body which evidently shows how many calories you need to burn to lose ‘X’ amount of fat every day.

Of course after gathering all the data you need to get help from a nutritionist who could guide you in a better way as to where you are lacking and what you need to improve.

Now let's talk about the nutritional aspect.

There are many diets available in the world that could make you lose weight in a month or 2 months or 3 months and so on…

But what happens after that?

Can you sustain yourself in a keto diet for your entire life?

Can you make the high protein diet your go-to food everyday when you are working 12 hours a day?

Well, I had my share of all these when I was looking to lose weight three years back. After a series of health problems piling up one after the other and a couple of setbacks, I realized that the only way to lose weight is to give time to your body. Nothing happens in haste.

A balanced diet with proper organic nutritional supplements to bridge the gap of our daily nutritional requirements is the key to go. Couple with mild exercises or yoga or brisk walking this diet really helped me to finally see results after 3 years.

Now, since you are aware of the risks and the reasons for obesity, in the next article I am going to talk about the nutrition and the physical wellness part which will help you to understand the changes required to keep you safe and healthy.

Why am I writing about fat loss?

I started this blog with an article regarding my curse of being obese. Though at that time I had written how to deal with body shaming, I didn't focus on how the obese body was causing issues in my life.

Slowly I started taking precautions and after a long journey of hurdles, I finally discovered a way out for myself that is helping me to lose weight gradually yet steadily. A way and a lifestyle sustainable for the rest of my life without sacrificing much on my weakness.

A couple of months back I met a group of nutritionists who are helping people in many ways all over the world. Not only for weight management but also to prevent other lifestyle diseases like wheezing, low immunity, cholesterol, diabetes, etc with organic alternatives that have no side effects in the long term,

I was fortunate enough to meet them and seek help from them. Hence, I would like to help others like me, who are seeking help and guidance. If you are the one who needs help and is willing to try out something new drop me an email at

If you liked my blog don't forget to hit the clap button and follow me for more such lifestyle contents as there are many more series and articles coming up in the near future.



Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…