Human Growth Hormone and Its Benefits

Christie D'soza
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2018

If you are sports lover, you know well about human growth hormone.

Once it secrets into the body, stays there for few minutes, and allow the liver to convert it in the growth factors, i.e., the best form of growth factor is insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). It provides support to every cell in the body.

Pituitary gland produces growth hormone. The growth hormone test is helpful to measure the amount of human growth hormone in the blood. This hormone is peculiar to growth rate and plays a contributory role for energy.

Its amount in the body varies and depends on fitness, exercise, diet, and emotional stress. Too much growth hormone causes a state in children, i.e., gigantism. Too little growth hormone causes less growth in children, and this state is dwarfism.

High level of growth hormone in adults is due to a noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland, and it is responsible for large bones of face, hands, jaws, and feet.

The function of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Many people think that the human growth hormone substance will make them look youthful, and they will remain fit, but according to expert opinion, this is not true. These products can harm more than benefit.

Human growth hormone (HGH) is functional as regulation of metabolism, body fluids, bone and muscle growth. It helps to regulate fat and sugar metabolism, as well as heart function. When produced synthetically, it acts as active ingredients in different prescription drugs.

Fracture Healing Property

Bone metabolism and mineral regulation need growth factors. HGH is a critical element to heal bones. It plays a crucial role in wear and tear of bones cells. Research studies shown increased healing of wounds and injuries due to HGH.

In a controlled and administered research, at Medicine department, California, 28 healthy older men were taken, with a low level of baseline plasma (IGF-1), under HGH therapy, old men shown enhanced collagen deposition as wound heal.

Improved Erectile Dysfunction

HGH is responsible for male reproductive system and helps mature the sexual activities. Its deficiency causes loss of sexual desire and erection. A German study explored this effect on 35 healthy adult males and 45 erectile dysfunction males.

The effect of visual stimuli seen on elicit penile tumescence. This suggested that penile erection is due to HGH due to stimulating activity on cavernosum smooth muscle.

According to Federal Trade Commission, there is no adequate evidence to support this claim that these products can have the identical effect as HGH prescription that is provided by injection.

When taken orally, human growth hormone goes to the stomach and directly absorbed in the body.

Read more: Human Growth Hormone



Christie D'soza

I'm a Nutritionist, blogger and author at I love writing on diet. Based on research evidences, my articles publish in different forums