Feed the Jog
Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2017


Indulgent detox

After all the holiday feasting many opt for a reboot of some sort. The hours of feasting with family and friends feel great, the hours that follow not so much. And then we do it again.

My version of the reboot is to eat 100% Whole Food Plan Based and don’t drink alcohol. I eat as much as I want of a variety of WFPB foods I enjoy such as rice & beans/lentils, various veggies, soup, salad, fruits, nuts, avocado, coffee, juice, water, so on.

After a single day I feel fantastic and can even see the difference in my face. Whatever the science, it truly feels like I’m self-indulging while detoxifying and nourishing. Ah, and the weight tends to drop like a rock too. No hunger, thanks.

It’s a feel-good way to build momentum on my single New Year’s resolution of recovering from the holidays. If only my other goals for the year were so easy.



Feed the Jog

An unlikely runner’s quest to health and fitness