Interested in Becoming Undoctored?

Pete Weintraub
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2017

What if I told you that earlier today, I not only spoke with one of my biggest mentors from a nutritional perspective, William Davis MD, author of the best-selling book Wheat Belly and a new, amazing book, Undoctored, but that I recorded it for you so that you can listen to the whole conversation a little further below?

It’s a hot, sunny day here on Long Island, and for the first time it feels like summer! A little humid for my taste, but I’ll deal. After sending this off to you, I’ll be going to my softball games tonight, which I won’t have to bundle up for for the first time this season. Hooray!

Anyhow, back to the conversation I had…

Wheat Belly was instrumental on my weight loss journey. At the time, I was mired in my two year weight loss plateau, and I’d just found out about the Paleo diet, which stresses food quality over food quantity. While I was back-and-forth on wheat and grains (I was eating ‘healthy whole grains’ at the time), this book showed me the way to a healthy, grain-free lifestyle, that resulted in sparking me towards overcoming my weight loss plateau, and ultimately, getting to the promised land.

In Dr. Davis’s latest book, he discusses how important it is for YOU to not blindly trust your physicians or specialists, and to instead do your due diligence on conditions and treatment options before accepting another bandaid for a more serious, underlying cause. He lays out a six-step health plan for ANYBODY looking to improve health and lose weight, and it’s a MUST READ!

To get your copy, please go to:

To check out the conversation, please go to:

That’s it for today! :-) Until tomorrow.


Pete Weintraub

P.S. If you’re READY to lose weight FOR GOOD, then boy, do I have the program for YOU!

If you didn’t hear in my last couple of messages, I’m looking for my next big success story, and I want to help YOU reach your goals, and never look back at where you started!

I want to take one highly motivated individual who’s looking to lose weight, FOR GOOD, by making healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes.

This isn’t a quick-fix, ‘Lose 30 Lbs in 30 Days’ BS diet! These are real, simple tweaks you can make to your lifestyle that will shed the unwanted weight, get you into the best shape of your life, and NEVER have you looking back!

Here’s a description of the type of person I’m looking for:

- Someone Between the Ages of 40–60

- Someone Who’s Sick and Tired of Being Overweight and Unhealthy

- Someone Who’s READY to Make a Healthy, Sustainable and PERMANENT Change

- Someone Who’s WILLING to Take Direction, Accept Responsibility and Do the Work Necessary to Get to the Promised Land

- Someone Who’s Willing (and Able) to Invest Both Financially and Personally in Their Transformation

If you feel you meet the criteria, please go to to apply for this amazing program!

This Once in a Lifetime Program Offers You:

- A Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching Call with Me

- A PERSONALIZED Fitness and Nutrition Program

- Daily Access to Me Through the Voxer App

- Daily Accountability For Both Your Fitness and Your Nutrition Requirements

Think you have what it takes? To apply, please go to, and see if you make the cut!

If I feel you may be a good fit, I’ll personally email you and set up a date and time to get things squared away for you to get things going.

P.P.S. This Once in a Lifetime Opportunity CLOSES on June 1st, 2017, so if you don’t take advantage NOW, you may NEVER get this opportunity again!

That link again is



Pete Weintraub

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.