My first 10 lbs down in 2017!

Jasmine U Speaks
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2017
My new screen saver motivation. This is Jasmine before kids. No more diets, its all about creating a healthy lifestyle and habits. Showing myself love that no one else can ever give me. Having more energy for my children, school and hobbies.

Losing that first 10 lbs feels great! I am not going to get too excited tho. I’ve been here before many many times. What’s more important is what I do from here. How to make 10 lbs turn into 20 lbs. Then 20 lbs turn to 40 lbs and so on. The main focus is to continue to keep up these good routines I’ve started and make them solid habits. Its so easy to have bad habits. I want to slowly weed out the bad habits and replace them with good ones.

The ultimate bad habit is smoking. I have been a smoker over half of my life! I’ve had a few periods where I’ve quit. Mainly for both of my pregnancies which is great but always start back. I enjoy it. I love taking breaks at work for one and also walking outside at home for a peaceful smoke. I don’t want to attempt to quit and lose weight at the same time, it’s too much. Further in my journey once I’ve got some good habits formed I want to then focus on stopping.

I am enjoying the Lose It App! I have tried Weight Watchers years ago and really loved the app and support the online tools offered. The Lose It app is very similar and it’s Free! I hold myself more accountable when I’m logging my food. It’s rewarding to log in my exercise too! They send encouraging emails and have challenge groups. There’s so many products out there, it gets overwhelming. With all the tools the internet offers the majority of what I’m going to use is FREE. Knowledge is power! The more I read on weight loss and nutrition, the more I will keep going and trying new things. It’s one of the main things I read now. Medium has great blogs and is such an inspiration. had some great tips when I wasn’t sure if I should eat before a morning workout.

All I’m trying to say is this, if you have a smart phone or lab top/tablet the world is in your hands! Always consider yourself a student. Of course use your best judgement on what to read online but crave knowledge! I just found that my Amazon Prime membership comes with a lot of free movies. Best of all there is workout tapes for free too! That’s what I’ve been doing to get active again. Doing a 20 to 45 workout in my living room before the kids wake up has worked great. No excuses busy moms just wake up early! That peaceful time before your offspring wake up can really set the tone for a more fulfilling day.

I am by far no expert. Just want to share my struggles and hope to one day achieve my goals and help others. I know there is so many women out there like me. We as mothers put everyone before ourselves. It’s time to show yourself the love you deserve. If you love your kids then realize they deserve a healthy and happy mom. Break the cycle so that they don’t have the same struggles or if they do you can be the example they need to work through them.

First 10 down 57 more to go!!!

My new screen saver motivation. This is Jasmine before kids. No more diets, its all about creating a healthy lifestyle and habits. Showing myself love that no one else can ever give me. Having more energy for my children, school and hobbies.



Jasmine U Speaks

The struggle and rise of a single mother looking for health,love, peace and financial freedom.