The #1 Food To Kick-start Muscle Building.

Sahityika Poddar
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2017

Building muscle and shedding the extra fat from the body is something that everybody dreams about. The most easy routine to follow is to exercise regularly. But is it that easy always???

Well be it easy or not you need to push yourself to the gym to spend those extra hours working out hard to shed away those stubborn fat from your body. Always remember that unless you shed the extra fat you won’t build up muscles. Now there are a number of options available in the market which helps to provide extra protein to your body which is necessary post workout. But sometimes they can pose to be an extra load on the pocket.

Here is an extremely effective food that can help you build muscle like anything and is also all natural. It is the EGG.

Eggs are the power packs of protein. All you need to do is hard boil them and they are ready to eat. So they are super easy to make and doesn’t consume hours to make it edible.

Next it tastes good. Many people might not like the taste of an egg but I assure you, it is much better than those raw and tasteless protein shakes. I personally love egg and feel it to be quite delicious.

Next it’s super easy to carry almost anywhere due to its small size. You can have it anytime irrespective of the fact whether your stomach is full or empty.

Next up are the essential functions that an egg effectuates to give you the toned muscular look. Egg contains all the essential amino acids required by the body to manufacture strong muscles. Your body knows what to do with an egg. It’s the perfect post workout meal. When you exercise, you strain the muscles due to which the muscle fibers break down. This is where you need the amino acids in proteins to help you build back the muscles bigger and stronger.

And the last but not the least reason for which I love egg is because it is super affordable. 12 of these bad boys come for about 2 bucks. There is no comparison of your protein shakes with the egg when it comes to price.

If you are worried about the cholesterol content of the egg yoke then stick to the egg whites. Avoid the egg yokes. That will work out equally well.

If you did not start working out yet, then I plea to you please do that. Start taking care of yourself and eat eggs to help increase the muscularity in your body. Stay fit and look amazing!!



Sahityika Poddar

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…