Weight Loss Tip: Don’t Let the Fates Decide!

Pete Weintraub
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2017

Are you the type of person that subscribes to the notion that ‘Whatever will be, will be?’ If you are, I highly recommend you reassess that line of thinking…

It’s a cloudy spring day here on Long Island, and in about an hour, I’m heading to a chiropractor appointment. As you have probably heard half a million times, I play softball a couple of times a week, and have noticed this year that my left arm mechanics have been off when I hit. There’s been pain in my shoulder for a couple of months, so I finally decided to get it looked at last week. Something to the effect of my neck and my first rib (which is up near your collarbone) are off, which is putting undue strain on the shoulder, which is causing pain, movement compensation, and thus, my lackluster offensive performance thus far. Fortunately, no significant structural damage is evident, so I’m hoping I can get this sorted out so I can get back to playing at the level I’m accustomed to real soon :-)

Now then, back to fate…

Many folk of today misinterpret Eastern philosophy. In studies of Confucian though, the Tao Te Ching, and other Eastern texts, there has been a notion that everything that happens to us happens for a reason. That many of life’s curveballs are meant to be thrown when they’re thrown, and that there are many aspects of our lives that are out of our control.

I hate to say it, but this is true — Particularly when it comes to other people. When loved ones get sick, or they die, or our significant other yells at us irrationally… There are a million things that happen that we often don’t anticipate and can’t control.

The difference between understanding that life will throw us curveballs and that life happens to us is that we DO control how we react and adapt to every situation we encounter — Good, bad or indifferent.

If someone close to us dies, of course we should take the time to mourn and honor them. That being said, using that death as an excuse to not show up for work the next week, or to keep being a good spouse, or to simply keep living your life, is just that — An excuse.

It’s an unfortunate excuse, but an excuse nonetheless…

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve encountered during my time as a Permanent Weight Loss Specialist that blamed their starting point as a result of genetics. ‘Everybody in my family is overweight, diabetic and has a heart condition, so maybe I’m just following in their footsteps and that’s just what happens to people in my family…’

While genetics can certainly play a factor in your susceptibility to accumulating excess fat, to being prone to conditions like Type-2 Diabetes and heart disease, it is NOT, I repeat — It is NOT the reason those things have occurred!

When looking at a family dynamic and how one has been raised from inception, those families that tend to collectively struggle with both their health and their weight just have poor lifestyle habits as a family. They’re often sedentary, eat and drink garbage and do nothing to improve their situation(s) — Most of which can not only be REVERSED, but PREVENTED from ever happening again!

If you’re not happy with how you look, how you feel and where your health is at, you CAN do something to change it!

There’s a miraculous new study of genetics called epigenetics. The basic premise behind it is that you can literally change your genetic code — So, if your family really is genetically susceptible to heart disease, and your current DNA structure contains that genetic susceptibility, you can improve your health so dramatically that that gene either goes dormant, or it goes from being a ‘prone to heart disease’ gene to a ‘healthy, strong heart’ gene.

Another thing for parents: If your children, or even your spouse is also struggling with their weight, you might want to embark on this journey together, as a family! Nothing breeds success like accountability, and if you’re making a healthy change as a family, the chances of you all succeeding is much higher when you act as a family unit and have each other’s backs when one of you inevitably slips up.

One of the things I can’t stand is when I work with a parent who cleans up his or her diet, makes exercise a regular priority, and yet they’re feeding their kids Easy Mac and letting them play on an iPad instead of going outside.

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?!

You know who thinks that life happens entirely to them, and that they have zero control? Victims.

You know how many victims end up being successful, whether it’s financially, healthily or romantically? Just about NONE of them.

Remember — YOU decide how you react and adapt to what life throws at you. The question is: How will you react and adapt?

Until tomorrow.


Pete Weintraub


P.S. If you’re READY to take that first step on your health and weight loss journey, then you’re REALLY going to want to download my FREE report!

With 10 years of experience, SEVEN different fitness and nutrition certifications, and a sustained weight loss of 100 lbs., I think I know a thing or two about this Permanent Weight Loss thing ;-)

This report will provide you with the five strategies I personally used to lose 100 lbs., and KEEP THEM OFF! These are the same five strategies I teach my Permanent Weight Loss clients, and are the basis to losing weight and getting healthy once and for all!

To get your FREE copy, please go to www.weightlossbypete.com/5strategies.



Pete Weintraub

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.