What’s Your Why?

Pete Weintraub
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017

It’s a snowy Tuesday here on Long Island, and it’s been a busy one for me. With another consult coming up in about 15 minutes, I have to get this out to you quick!

Today I want to focus on your ‘why.’ That is, why is losing weight and getting healthy so important to you?

For each individual, there are different reasons…

For parents, it’s often dual: To improve their health and their fitness so they can better interact with their kids, and to reconnect with their partner on an intimate level.

For busy professionals, it’s getting some energy and mental clarity back so they can continue to deliver results.

For some, it’s a matter of boosting energy, strength, flexibility, endurance, etc.

For others, it’s to boost self-confidence and self-worth.

For me, my ‘why’ has changed as I’ve grown older…

When I was younger, my ‘why’ was to show up all the kids who made fun of me in gym class, at summer camp and on the sports teams I played on.

From the beginning of college through my college graduation, it was to go back to my hometown and show those assholes in high school that while they went and gained 50 lbs in beer and pizza weight, I not only LOST the beer and pizza weight, but was in better shape than they ever were!

Now? It’s simple…

My ‘why’ is twofold. For starters, it’s to be credible in my business. Let’s be honest — Nobody’s going to hire an overweight, out of shape weight loss coach. I have to not only look the part, but BE the part if I’m going to have a successful business.

‘Why’ # 2 is to avoid the fates so many of my relatives, both living and not living, have suffered. Heart disease runs in my family. My father and his brothers all suffer from heart conditions, and my grandfather on my mom’s side died of a heart attack in his early-to-mid 50s before I was even born.

Shit, one of my cousins died suddenly in his 30s right after he graduated law school due to a heart attack!

On top of this, I have relatives who suffer from autoimmune conditions, and ones who have since passed who dealt with Alzheimer’s and dementia in old age. All in all, great genes! :-)

Fortunately, there’s a study of gene activation (or non-activation) known as epigenetics. Basically, while we may be genetically predisposed to certain ailments, it’s mostly up to US whether or not those negative genes are switched on.

Moreover, we can even CHANGE our genetic makeup by instilling new, healthy lifestyle habits. This insures that the genetics that we’re born with don’t hinder us in the future!

Now that you know my ‘why,’ what’s your’s? If it’s not coming to mind right away, you may not be ready to seriously take on this journey. Tough reality, but it’s the truth! Your ‘why’ should come to you right away.

What’s your’s?



Coach Pete


P.S. I’d mentioned yesterday that I’m conducting a very short ANONYMOUS research survey on how I can better serve you!

If you can take just 60 seconds and fill it out, I’d really appreciate it! :-)

The link to the survey is here: https://goo.gl/forms/p1wxwgEwlxBu7Aqf2

Thanks a bunch!



Pete Weintraub

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.