Why I DON’T Give My Clients Meal Plans!

Pete Weintraub
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2017
These are bullshit!

If you haven’t worked with me before, then you’re probably thinking: ‘Well, how the hell am I going to lose weight if I don’t know what to eat for each meal or snack?’

Because everyone knows how to lose weight short-term. Eat less, and exercise more. If you do those two things, you can reach your ultimate goal.

The problem is (like I discussed yesterday), nobody knows what to do when they get to the promised land!

So, you dropped 50 lbs, lost eight inches and have muscle definition. Congratulations!

But how do you maintain those results? Here’s why conventional wisdom will only get you so far:

As shown in yesterday’s message, practically ALL previous Biggest Loser contestants who got far in the competition have put ALL the weight (and then some!) back on.


Because they lowered their metabolisms due to starvation dieting methods, and fucked up their hormones!

Whether it’s their thyroids, their adrenal glands, their livers or (for the female contestants) their ovaries, the basic biological processes of these parts of the body were messed up during the extremely low-calorie crash diets and way too intense exercise regimens they went through.

Their bodies were literally BEGGING them to eat more and exercise less! Conventional wisdom on weight loss broken.

Which leads me to my point: I do NOT give my clients meal plans. Never have, never will…

Now, I’ve given RECOMMENDATIONS for healthy meals that will assist in their weight loss efforts a la my Recipe Book, but to literally lay out ‘Here’s what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and here’s when to have snacks…’ does my clients absolutely NO GOOD!

In order to PERMANENTLY lose weight, one must understand HOW and WHAT to eat, not just in regards to their short-term goals, but in regards to NEVER going back to where they started.

Like I did yesterday, I’m going to leave a paragraph below. If you want to PERMANENTLY lose weight, you’ll make it a point to memorize it:

“Eat (organic) meats, vegetables, (raw) nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no (added) sugar. Eat ONLY when hungry, and just to satisfy — NOT to stuff your face. If you follow this nutritional protocol, you should be well on your way to reaching your goal.”

Capiche? Capiche!


Coach Pete


P.S. Two of the five coaching spots that I mentioned yesterday were filled within an hour of my email!

If you want to lose weight PERMANENTLY, let me show you how! Apply for one of the remaining three spots here https://weightlossbypete.wufoo.com/forms/q1it1fgz0oq11f5/, submit the form, stay on the page and set up a FREE 15 minute phone consultation.

Here’s that link again: https://weightlossbypete.wufoo.com/forms/q1it1fgz0oq11f5/

Talk soon!



Pete Weintraub

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.