Feed the Jog
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2017


Winter Training

Winter training in the Pacific Northwest is challenging for me. I haven’t cracked the motivation code to run regularly outdoors when I have time at 5AM and it’s cold, dark and often raining. The warm and dry home workout ends up winning most weekdays.

This year the steaks are higher as I just signed up for my first 50K ultramarathon, scheduled for late April. It’s run in a beautiful area nearby Seattle and a good first time ultra with a reasonable elevation profile and smooth, non-technical trails.

I also have a lot going on and home, work and other hobbies so my goal is to be able to finish feeling good, soak in the scenery and enjoy the experience rather than push looking at a watch towards some time goal. I want to see if I can make training and running an ultramarathon enjoyable while compromising as little as possible from other areas of my life. More Zen, sorry Garmin.

MacGyver was here

With that, I’m executing on another MacGyver-inspired approach building on my Portland marathon experience, getting the mileage through a combination of slow long runs on weekends, treadmill walks/jogs and overall steps during the week. I’m also focusing on fueling with WFPB anti-inflammatory foods to help recover and integrate the long runs as I quickly build-up the mileage while keeping up with my basic core routine.

Three months and a lot of running to go.

Here’s to hoping I don’t end up with a MacGyver facepalm eating potatoes at one of the aid stations.

Thanks for reading!



Feed the Jog

An unlikely runner’s quest to health and fitness