Weight Loss Tip: Make Sure You Have Someone to Hold You Accountable!

Pete Weintraub
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2017

It’s a sunny but cold day here on Long Island, and I apologize for my lack of email yesterday. Sadly, I’ve become wrought with yet another allergy attack, and can barely breathe or keep my eyes open. According to my girlfriend, who also suffers from seasonal allergies, yesterday was a TERRIBLE day for this, as she witnessed dozens of her students struggle to make it through the day. She wasn’t as bad as me, though, so I’ll keep telling myself that this is allergies until I’m proven otherwise :-p

Anyhow, today’s message is about how important it is to find someone to keep you accountable on your health and weight loss journey. While I admire those who like to go at it alone, take it from a guy who did that on his personal weight loss journey: IF you succeed, it’s going to take you A LOT longer than if you’re regularly checking in with someone!

How do I know? Well, remember the other day, when I mentioned that when I’d plateau on my journey, I’d sometimes go on a binge eating and drinking bender for a week or two? Since I was holding myself accountable to nobody but me, it took me that long to get back on the horse. For a lot of people, this is a very SHORT duration in comparison to the lengths they’ve gone without healthy eating or regular exercise…

That being said, had I had some sort of accountability partner on my quest, I firmly believe that I would have lost my 100 lbs in half the time, and maybe even less! And the same holds true for you….

Now, this isn’t a pitch for you to check out my services (however, if you’d like, you can do just that by going to www.weightlossbypete.com/services and then set up a strategy call with me :-p). I’m not even recommending you need to hire a professional for this!

Is there someone in your life that you respect and admire? It can be a parent, a friend, a sibling, a significant other… Whatever! Whoever that person is in your life, go to that person, tell them you’re looking to make ‘xyz’ healthy lifestyle changes, and ask them to touch base with you regularly.

Regularly can mean daily, once a week, once every other week… It’s really up to you and how motivated you really are! If you’re someone who falls off the wagon easily (come on, you know who you are!), then you’re going to need more regular check-ins than someone who doesn’t falter easily.

Once you two have set up the duration for each check-in, put alerts in both of your calendars, reminding you both of the impending appointment. While obviously it will help your accountability partner stay on top of reaching out to you regularly, it will also (hopefully) kick your ass into gear if you’ve fallen off the wagon since your last check-in!

Accountability is so important when you’re looking to make a PERMANENT change, because if you fall off your game, who’s going to be there pick up the pieces? Admit it, you KNOW I’m right! :-p

Until tomorrow!


Pete Weintraub


P.S. Now, of course, if you’re not only lacking accountability in your life, but also the ‘roadmap’ as to how to get to the promised land, then I’m your guy!

I’ve been through what you’ve gone through: The doctor’s visits full of ultimatums, the disgrace in front of friends and family, the lack of energy, flexibility or strength, and the extreme lack of self-confidence.

We’re not only going to be working on your physical health and appearance — We’re going to break down your mental barriers, erase your emotional triggers and limitations, and get you to THRIVE!

If you’re interested in setting up a FREE 15 minute strategy call with me, then fill out my Health Questionnaire at https://goo.gl/forms/pn6PugMixK74z5ip2. After submitting the form, STAY ON THE PAGE and click the link provided to set up your call.

I look forward to speaking with you soon :-)



Pete Weintraub

Founder and Permanent Weight Loss Specialist at Weight Loss by Pete (formerly Fitness Retriever). Healthy Living Activist. Contributor to the Huffington Post.