Announcing The “Loved Ones” Budget
We’re always looking to make Impala the best place in Europe to work remotely. Because we’re all extremely clever, well educated engineer-y types (actually not true, we have sales as well) I am extraordinarily delighted to announce that we have noticed a pattern!
We notice that a lot of the great new team members joining Impala are choosing us as the first remote company they’ve ever joined. What we also noticed (okay so we noticed a couple of patterns) is that many were doing so because:
- They’d always wanted to travel and/or live somewhere different.
- Their spouse or partner had a new role elsewhere and they were moving with them.
This is fantastic, one of the great things about remote working is that it gives you incredible flexibility on where you work. One of the downsides of moving however is that when you move someone new you’re leaving behind a large group of family and friends, sometimes many hundreds of miles away.
And whilst you’ll make great friends at Impala and we have a generous social budget to attend quarterly meetings and a person dedicated to keeping you happy, at some point in time you’re going to have a major life event (such as a birthday, a birth or an engagement) that just won’t be quite as good because your friends/family aren’t there.
Not anymore, the boffins over at the Impala People Ops laboratory have been hard at work.
From today onward (actually from a while ago but it took me a while to get this blog together, we’ve been busy you know), we’re going to give every remote Impalan a budget to bring their friends/family together for a special occasion, The Loved Ones Budget.
What that means is that you’ll have up to £750 to spend annually on having your friends/loved-ones over to visit for whatever celebration you see fit.
We love being the destination that more and more people are choosing for a remote job. We know that remote is great for travelling, great for concentration and great for avoiding-the-damn-Northern-line. We want it to be just as great for your social life.
So no matter how near or far away your friends and family might be, check out our roles here.