Introducing our new branding

Kyle Michelson
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2022

Over the last 12 months, Getlabs has made incredible progress toward our mission of saving lives by delivering outstanding healthcare to everyone.

Since then, we’ve become the largest provider nationwide for delivering at-home lab appointments — expanding from just 3 markets to 43 markets. To put that in perspective, Getlabs is now available for 1 in every 2 Americans!

In the last three months alone, we’ve partnered with over 50 healthcare organizations while paving the way with industry-leading clinical and hospitality quality — including 92 NPS.

None of this would have been possible without years of preparation — from extensive regulatory work to developing our technology. In healthcare the only way to win is to crawl before you walk, and walk before you run.

Reflecting on the beginning of Getlabs’ journey, I still remember being inspired by a talk Simon Sinek gave on what separated The Four Seasons from their peers. How did they consistently achieve higher quality?

The answer: by hiring employees who actually care and investing in them.¹

This learning has been remarkably important for us and it’s what has enabled us to scale so quickly without compromising quality. At Getlabs, we hire for empathy and train for excellence.

In addition to quality, our team is keenly focused on bridging gaps in care.

Currently, 30% of patients skip or delay healthcare due to the overall inconvenience of seeking care. This can have dire consequences with patients missing the critical window for early detection and treatment.

Traditionally, if you wanted greater convenience — getting moved to the front of the line — concierge medicine was the way to do it. Yet, this approach is problematic. Convenience is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

At Getlabs, we believe everyone — regardless of their means — deserves a healthcare system that is affordable, convenient, and is as resolutely committed to caring for us as the top five-star hospitality experiences.

When I first thought of the idea for Getlabs, I remember asking myself a simple question: “What if healthcare came to you?”

Today, we’re ready to answer that question along with our new branding:

Our new look and feel reflects the future of Getlabs. We sought to create a scalable design language which can resonate with patients from all walks of life and can seamlessly be applied and extend to new service offerings.

To achieve this, we chose a warm yet elegantly refined aesthetic that focuses not on elaborate ornamentation but on minimalist restraint.

Though we take immense pride in our technology, consumers care about the experience; not the infrastructure that delivers it.

By pairing back every stylistic detail to its simplest form, we guide patients to only the most important detail — our in-person experience.

We believe the future of healthcare is remote-first — powered by medical specialists who come directly to you and provide better care when and where you need it.

This is just the beginning.

Learn more at

[1] Simon Sinek Noah (Sep 13, 2018):

