Team Member Spotlight: Anna B.

Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2019

Welcome to the first-ever Leverage Team Member Spotlight! We’ll be using this as an outlet to showcase our amazing team members so you can get to know the people behind the screen. Stay tuned for more!

Anna B.: Leverage Team Member

Anna B. works with Leverage in our Marketing vertical, focusing mainly on video and graphic design-related tasks. If you need to create a video for your business, improve your YouTube channel, or even create a full-on movie — Anna is here to help.

Writing a full list of Anna’s work background, accolades, and achievements would take literal hours to read — and if you know Leverage, you know we’re all about efficiency — so here’s the highlight reel.

Anna has…

  • Been making websites since the age of 11.
  • Founded a web-design studio in the Georgia Republic in 2006.
  • Done video-editing for Mark Batson, the music producer for Eminem, Alicia Keys, Sting, Beyonce, and more.
  • Managed multiple 100k+ subscriber YouTube channels, totaling in well over a million subscribers.
  • Experience with After Effects, Final Cut, Premiere, WIX, SquareSpace, and Photoshop.
  • Written, produced, directed, designed, starred in, and edited their OWN short film, which was recently picked up by the distribution company ShortsTV.

So, without further ado, let’s get to know Anna!

How long have you been working with Leverage?

  • I have been with Leverage for around two years now.

What is your specialty?

  • Video editing and YouTube optimization/management.

What is ONE task you’ve done that you think every Leverage client could benefit from?

  • YouTube Optimization and Management! I have years of knowledge on this subject and I’ve been able to use that to improve our clients’ YouTube channels and help them achieve whatever goals they have. I can start with a simple audit of a client’s YouTube channel.

What is your favorite type of task to work on?

  • Videos that involve creative decision-making, such as trailers with music, sizzle reels, dance videos, etc.

What is the most unique or interesting task you’ve done at Leverage?

  • Entrepreneur-related video tasks have been the most interesting! They’ve allowed me to learn a lot about how entrepreneurs work and build their businesses.

What are your goals at Leverage, in your career, and/or in life?

  • My goals are to grow as a content creator in Leverage and get promoted to a Media Vertical Head…that is, until Hollywood films take over! Then I see myself remaining an affiliate with the company, hopefully partnering up on joint A-list movies.

Where are you currently located and where did you grow up?

  • I grew up in Tbilisi, Georgia Republic — a war-zone with civilian casualties and revolutions. I have been living in Los Angeles for 10 years now.

What do you like to do outside of work?

  • Outside of work, I’m building my acting career in Hollywood and developing my filmmaking skills. I also love martial arts, stage combat, bouldering, investigating new physical activities, as well as making digital collage artwork and going on adventures with my two puppies.
Anna and Brian Friedman (creative director America’s Got Talent/X-factor) for their movie premiere G-4 at Dances With Films festival

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

  • Shapeshifting, which I think is somewhat of my superpower already, seeing as I’ve been acting in films since I was six. I grew up in a film family, and have been exposed to film making from a very young age. I would also love to teleport, that way I would be able to get more done at a faster pace and visit my family overseas often!

If you could go anywhere in the world, right now, where would you go?

  • I would go to Tbilisi and visit my family, and then Italy — perhaps France, Czech, and the UK as well. I’m fascinated by ancient architecture and museums are my favorite spots to visit. Art is my life!

For Leverage Clients:

Want to have Anna do an audit of your YouTube channel? Maybe you need a new video for your website? Or maybe you want to just START a YouTube Channel…

Whatever it is, Anna can help. CLICK HERE to submit your task! Simply add “Anna Biani” to the assignee field and they will reach out to you with the next steps.

Not a Leverage Client Yet?

Leverage is a premier outsourcing platform for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With a team of 300+ vetted, qualified freelancers who are experts in their field, we can help you prioritize and complete any task or project.

  • Want to make a podcast?
  • Set up Facebook/Instagram ads?
  • Write a blog?
  • Or, even better, automate your social media?

CLICK HERE to schedule a 20-minute info session to see how Leverage can 10X your business.




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