Team Member Spotlight: Chris M.

Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2019
Chris M: Podcast Specialist

Chris M. works in our Marketing vertical, focusing on podcasts and audio editing. If you need a podcast, he’s your man (we also think he’s “the” man, but that’s beside the point).

Chris has years of experience in audio production, having produced over 3,000 individual podcast episodes in his career with more coming every day. He was even the Valedictorian of his class at the School of Audio Engineering, in Australia, where he graduated with a degree in audio engineering. (Are you surprised?)

And if that wasn’t enough, here are a few more fun facts:

  • Chris’s podcast work to date has resulted in a total of 5,000 5-star reviews and 25 million downloads!
  • He produces DKMH, a podcast by Dacre Montgomery—the actor that plays Billy Hargrove on Stranger Things!
  • Through Leverage, Chris works on several podcasts you may already be listening to—like Joe Polish’s Genius Network Podcast and Jay Abraham’s Ultimate Entrepreneur Podcast, among others.

So, without further ado, let’s get to know Chris!

How long have you been working with Leverage?

  • I’ve been working with Leverage since August of 2015. So over 4 years! (This makes Chris one of the longest-standing team members at Leverage!)

What is your specialty at Leverage?

  • Podcast Production! I work mainly on the audio editing side but I also help with overall podcast strategy and creating automated podcast systems.

What is ONE task you’ve done that you think every Leverage client could benefit from?

  • Content Repurposing for Podcasts. Do you have a YouTube channel? A blog? A course? Almost any piece of content can be repurposed into a podcast—AND the other way around. If you have a podcast, it can be repurposed into YouTube videos, blogs, tweets, Instagram videos, etc. (This is one of our most popular tasks! If you’re interested, submit a task titled “Content Repurposing” and we’ll show you what we can do.)

What is your favorite type of task to work on?

  • Podcast production, which commonly involves editing and mixing/mastering podcast episodes. I do things like weaving in music and editing interviews or dialogue to be free of mistakes and presented in a way that is concise for listeners. If you think your favorite podcast is just one unedited take, you’re sorely mistaken!

What is the most unique or interesting task you’ve done at Leverage?

  • I produced a podcast episode that was recorded on Richard Branson’s island and featured Richard Branson. I’ve produced many episodes with guests such as Jordan Belfort, Tim Ferriss, and Rainn Wilson.

What is your favorite part about working at Leverage?

  • The ability to work on some of the most popular podcasts around.

What are your goals at Leverage, in your career, and/or in life?

  • My goal is to make podcasting easy for my clients, allowing them to focus on creating the content while I handle everything else (with the help of my other Leverage team members, of course). I strive to always make podcasts easier and will develop tools and teams to enable this. Owning a significant part of Everton Football Club is a lifelong goal.

Where are you currently located and where did you grow up?

  • I live in Perth, Western Australia and I grew up in England, close to Manchester and Liverpool

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? (And why?)

  • Omnilingualism! The ability to understand and speak any language without any prior knowledge or training. Why? Because I would dominate the international podcast market, of course!

What do you like to do outside of work?

  • I like to travel a lot—which is convenient because my job allows me to travel and work at the same time! You’ll usually find me watching football (soccer).

If you could go anywhere in the world, right now, where would you go?

  • A Tesla Gigafactory.

What is your favorite food/dish?

  • New York Pizza is fantastic. However, I’ve never found a food I don’t like.

What’s the last thing you learned?

  • 한글 (Hangul, the Korean Alphabet).

Coffee or tea? (or neither?)

  • COFFEE! Specifically, a flat white.

For Leverage Clients:

Have you always wanted to start a podcast? Maybe you’ve already got one but it’s starting to run your life? Or maybe you want to take your podcast to the next level…

As you can tell, Chris is an expert in all things podcasts—and he’s here to help, no matter what stage you’re at! CLICK HERE to submit a podcast-related task and add “Chris Mottram” to the assignee field to get in touch with him directly.

Not a Leverage Client Yet?

Leverage is a premier outsourcing platform for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With a team of 300+ vetted, qualified freelancers who are experts in their field, we can help you prioritize and complete any task or project.

  • Want to make a podcast?
  • Set up Facebook/Instagram ads?
  • Write a blog?
  • Or, even better, automate your social media?

CLICK HERE to schedule a 20-minute info session to see how Leverage can 10X your business.




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