Team Member Spotlight: Kat B.

Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2020
Kat B: Leverage Operations & Automation Specialist

Kat is one of Leverage’s operations and automation specialists. She works in our business operations department, creating time-saving automations and optimizing company processes for her clients. Whether it’s a simple automation that saves two minutes or a complex project that involves dozens of automations, tools and processes, Kat has the knowledge and skills to get the job done.

Kat started her career as a virtual assistant, which led to various roles within project management and operations at companies ranging from start-ups to seven-figure business. As a self-proclaimed “productivity optimizing nerd,” Kat helps entrepreneurs develop systems and processes to run their businesses more efficiently. With a primary goal of building automation into as many processes as possible, she’s effectively giving precious time back to the businesses she works with and helping them generate a more consistent and measurable return on their time.

By merging her innate call to leadership with her passion for building organized efficiency, Kat not only helps teams effectively push forward to reach deadlines, but she does so while simultaneously making their lives easier.

So, without further ado, let’s get to know Kat!

How long have you been working with Leverage?

  • I’ve been working with Leverage for about a month now!

What is your specialty at Leverage?

  • My specialty is optimizing business operations. Specifically, I focus on automation. I help people automate certain parts of their business to save them time, money, and de-risk their company.

What is ONE task you’ve done that you think every Leverage client could benefit from?

  • This is a tricky question since my type of work is catered so specifically to individual businesses, but in general, I’d say one thing that everyone can benefit from is using automation to eliminate administrative work. All of those little, menial things you do throughout the day really add up. So if you’re manually copying and pasting information from one spreadsheet to another, I could automate that. If you’re manually collecting answers from people via email and organizing them into a document…that entire system could happen automatically. These are pretty simple automatons that can save massive amounts of time in the long run — even if it’s a task that only takes a minute or two, if you stack them up you could save yourself an hour or two every day.

What is your favorite type of task to work on?

  • I love working on any big picture task that seems “impossible.” I like finding connections between platforms to fix problems and pain points that my clients are experiencing. In most cases, even if it seems impossible, there is a way to either eliminate that pain point or at least make it exponentially easier. As soon as someone starts talking about their pain points with a complex project, my mind immediately starts thinking of the solutions I can string together to make their life easier. And usually, it’s not just automations, it also involves changing or optimizing the entire process.

What is the most unique or interesting task you’ve done at Leverage?

  • It’s hard to say since I’m still fairly new, but I did just start working on a task for a client who runs most of their business through Slack and they’re looking to organize all their communication into a more organized database. He’s handling things like expense tracking and project management in Slack and needs a streamlined way to make sure things are getting done on time and expenses are being calculated correctly. There are some automations but it’s mainly looking at how to figure out a more organized, streamlined process that works for him and his team. It is definitely one of those “big picture” tasks I mentioned above.

What is your favorite part about working at Leverage?

  • As nerdy as this may sound, I love how many operational systems are in place here! There are a lot of rules for how to do things and I think it creates an organized workflow. Stuff like recording calls, using proper communication channels, file naming conventions — there’s a pretty strict protocol around that type of stuff and it makes working here much easier for me. It’s much different from clients and companies I’ve worked with in the past.

What are your goals at Leverage, in your career, and/or in life?

  • Wow, this is a big one… I think my goals with Leverage and my career are pretty much the same. I really enjoy the work that I do — I love showing people that there’s an easier way to run their business and complete their day-to-day tasks. With Leverage and my career, I’d really like to just open that up further and be able to reach more people and help them in that way. My other goals are just to live a stress-free life!

Where are you currently located and where did you grow up?

  • I currently live in Boulder, Colorado. I moved here about a year and a half ago after being extremely nomadic over the last five years. I spent several years not living in any one place for more than three to six months at a time. I lived in Hawaii, California, 11 different European countries, Canada, and spent some time in Upstate New York where I grew up.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? (And why?)

  • This is a hilarious question, and I actually think about this often. I think my answer would be teleportation, if you can call that a superpower. I have so many friends around the world and I’m really close with my family, so being able to go spend a night with my mom in New York or my brother in Berlin at a moment’s notice without all the logistics of traveling would be amazing.

What do you like to do outside of work?

  • I am very fascinated with Movement Culture. It’s an all-encompassing practice that teaches you everything from brain and body coordination to spinal integration to physical strength. I love it because it always keeps me on my toes and it has taught me to be okay with being “bad” at things. It’s okay to be bad at things! Understanding that allows me to push myself and challenge myself to be better. For example, I used to be terrible at handstands, but I just hit a one-minute handstand after two years of work. It has taught me that it’s about the journey, not the destination. I also have a passion for horses!

If you could go anywhere in the world, right now, where would you go?

  • I would go to Hawaii, hands-down. While there are plenty of places I’ve visited that are outstandingly beautiful and that I want to go back to, I find myself always wishing I was back on the island of Maui.

Outside of your career, what is one thing you’re REALLY good at?

  • I kind of just covered this, but I do think I’m really good at Movement Culture and I’m quite a good horseback rider! I think, in general, I’ve always been really good at communing with animals and connecting with them.

What is your favorite food/dish?

  • My favorite dish since I was about six years old has been salmon. I love it so much, I could eat it every day.

What’s the last thing you learned?

  • I’m consistently seeking and learning how to be a better communicator. While this has been a journey specific to my personal life and working through some tough spots with my partner, the tools I continue to gather are consistently showing up in the ways that I communicate with my clients, my family, my friends, and even my dog.

Coffee or tea? (or neither?)

  • Both! I love coffee, but I don’t drink it everyday…. And it has to be some damn good coffee — I drink it black! I love tea for relaxing with a hot calming beverage before bed or mid-afternoon.

For Leverage Clients:

Want to have Kat set up some automations for your business? Interested in chatting about a complex project or process? Maybe you just want to throw out some ideas and see what she thinks…

Whatever it is, Kat can help. CLICK HERE to submit your task! Simply add “Kat Buccelli” to the assignee field and she will reach out to you with the next steps.

Not a Leverage Client Yet?

Leverage is a premier outsourcing platform for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With a team of highly-skilled, vetted freelancers who are all experts in their field, we can help you prioritize and complete any task or project.

  • Want to make a podcast?
  • Set up Facebook/Instagram ads?
  • Write a blog?
  • Or, even better, automate your social media?

CLICK HERE to schedule a 20-minute info session to see how Leverage can 10X your business.




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