Humans of Technology — Siwat Vilassakdanont, Managing Partner at MoIndy Digital

Siwat is investment banker turned entrepreneur, and a doting father and husband. He has managed and invested in e-commerce, media and technology companies across US, UK, Singapore and Thailand.

Kim Ho
4 min readFeb 20, 2018


Siwat is Managing Partner of MoIndy Digital Co Ltd, a multi-channel network (MCN) managing over 400 channels on YouTube with over 400 million views per month.

After graduating from Northwestern University, Siwat became an Analyst at Merrill Lynch, where he raised capital and restructured companies in the USA. He went on to Huron Consulting, where he helped turnaround a major US Airline in the largest bankruptcy in the history of aviation. It was during this time, he decided to embark on his MBA at the University of Oxford.

Upon completing his MBA, Siwat returned to Thailand to be with his family. He became Executive Vice President at the investment holding company of Saha Group, the Thai equivalent of Unilever and Procter & Gamble. Siwat then co-founded Dealicious, which he grew to become the number two e-commerce platform for daily-deal in Thailand, and subsequently exit the company.

What was intended to be a return to his “comfort zone”, a career in Mergers & Acquisitions, actually led him to his current project. As Executive Director at a listed Thai investment banking firm, he found a target company to acquire. That company is MoIndy Digital, where he takes an active role as an investor and Managing Partner today.

“I saw a tremendous opportunity. I saw how rapidly digital advertising was growing and I wanted to be part of it. I had experience as a Co-Founder and in E-Commerce; so it made perfect sense.”

1.Android or iOS?

2. Bitcoin or Ethereum? Neither.

3. Gmail or Outlook?

4. Best gift you’ve ever received?
My son.

5. Best gift you’ve ever given?
The love to my son.

6. What is the one book you’ve read over and over again?
The Art of Happiness, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

7. What is the one book you would recommend all fresh graduates to read?
A Good Hard Kick in the Ass: Basic Training for Entrepreneurs, by Rob Adams.

8. What is the best thing that happened this year?
Being able to create an experience on a platform that Thai people can enjoy daily.

9. Most memorable career moment so far?
Probably signing the investment agreement for MoIndy. From identifying the Company, all the way to closing the deal was an incredible experience.

10. What’s your favourite country to visit?

11. Last country you visited?

12. What country would you like to visit?

13. What is something you always travel with?

14. What’s the world’s most pressing issue today?

15. What’s your go-to news source?

16. What’s your go-to social media channel?

17. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Brush my teeth!

18. What’s the last thing you do before leaving the office?
Say goodbye to all 25 of my employees.

19. What advice would you give to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?
Be persistent.

20. If you were not Managing Partner at MoIndy what would you be doing?
I honestly can’t see myself doing anything else.

MoIndy is always on the lookout for fresh talents. Want to find out more about what they do? Reach out to Siwat via Linkedin.

21. Who is your role model?
My dad.

22. What did you study at university? Why?
Economics. I grew up with entrepreneurial parents, so I always wanted to do into business.

23. What is your most valuable skill?
The ability to identify an opportunity and take effective, immediate action.

24. What is one skill you wish you had?

25. What is the best advice you ever received?
This would be from my wife, which is to think strategically and be slow to anger and negative emotions. This can be through words, but also through actions like facial expressions.

26. What is the best advice you’ve ever given?
I once gave advice to an acquaintance which got her into Oxford. She was nervous for her admissions interview and reached out to me, so I told her to channel and convey her passions and desires. I think what constitutes good advice is not necessarily something unique, but one that a person can truly relate to, and be able to transform themselves.

27. If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Time travel. I’d like to travel to the past to fix mistakes I’ve made, and also look at the stock market. I’d buy a lot of stocks.

Humans of Technology gives a glimpse into the minds of the people behind Asia’s most dynamic tech companies. An initiative led by GetLinks, Humans of Technology aims to inspire newbies and veterans alike to join the thriving tech community.

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Kim Ho

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